把它推到基因的頭上 心裡會好一點... - 厭食

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2006-05-09T14:42

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但是對我而言size does matter..


除此之外 低血壓一直是厭食者特徵之一
文章也提 或許這是基因的表現 而不是厭食後才有
啊..講不清楚 看文章吧

Gene Tied to Anorexia Nervosa

Monday May 08, 2006 (1122 PST)

ISLAMABAD: Australian scientists have found a gene variant that contributes
to anorexia nervosa in a large number of patients. The gene variant, which
the researchers call the "first major crack in the genetic mystery around
anorexia," helps regulate the body’s norepinephrine (or noradrenalin) system.

This marks a sharp departure from previous research avenues; scientific
detectives had previously assumed that the key to anorexia lay in the brain’
s serotonin system.

"People have believed for a long time that anorexia nervosa had a genetic
basis, and the issue has been how much is genetic and how much is
environmental," says Dr. Ilene Fennoy, chief of pediatric endocrinology at
St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City. "That has major
implications for how aggressively you pursue pharmaceutical interventions and
even genetic interventions. Identifying a genetic locus is a very crucial
piece of where one can go."

Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disorder that mainly affects young women.
These women become obsessed with dieting and losing weight and often stop
eating. Anorexia has the highest death rate of all psychiatric disorders.

Previously, researchers thought the signs of anorexia, including low blood
pressure and low pulse, might be due to starvation.

"But now there’s the possibility that it’s not due to starvation but to the
actual genetics of the way this chemical is handled," says Dr. Kenneth Nunn,
senior clinical author of the study and a clinical associate professor in
child psychiatry at Children’s Hospital in Westmead, Australia. "One of the
problems in anorexia is distinguishing between the cause and effect of

It appears that people with this genetic variation have problems in the way
the chemical norepinephrine, which is involved in sending messages related to
stress, is "recycled" or put back into circulation to be used again. As long
as your body has enough fuel, the system works fine. But if you go on a diet
and run out of fuel, the system goes into shut-down, Nunn says. "Then they don
’t want to eat and they have less fuel and it becomes a vicious cycle," he

"Normal" girls (and sometimes boys) can go on a diet and stop without much of
a problem. Those with the genetic variation can’t.

The unusual thing about this research is that treatments are available.
"There are things we can do straight away," says Nunn.

One thing you can do is kick-start the norepinephrine system by making sure
the patient’s diet contains tyrosine, which can be broken down into the
chemicals the body needs. Ironically, diet drinks may do the trick because
they contain phenylalanine (used as a sweetener), which breaks down into
tyrosine and in turn is eventually converted into norepinephrine.

Some of the newer antidepressants, such as reboxetine, target the
norepinephrine system and may help combat the disorder. It’s also possible
that some of the drugs that target the serotonin system would help, the
researchers say.

The findings may help in the effort to distinguish between different subtypes
of anorexia.

Certainly, the study shifts the equation between genetic and environmental
factors. "The evidence is slowly gathering," Nunn says. "We know that this is
not a disease caused by bad parenting."


Tags: 厭食

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Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2006-05-07T22:05
大家好,我第一次在這PO文 其實我並沒有潛水很久 因為一直有逃避的心態 每每 一接觸ED相關的資訊 總忍不住重蹈覆轍 嚴格來說 我應該是從厭食轉為暴食 我從小就是個胖子 加上自尊心超高的我 常常受不了別人的取笑 因為家裡的哥哥爸爸總是喜歡說一些 什麼有關胖的玩笑話 但說者無心 聽者有意 也讓我到 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-05-07T12:00
我最近也在寫信說 好巧 我是想要寫給我大學同學 希望回台灣可以給他們 因為我要畢業了 其實我覺得有點像我在寫網誌 我也沒有想說要給誰看 應該說我爸我媽也看不到 可是我寫的時候其實心中會有一個對象 好像是在對他說話 這很妙 因為明明是公開的網路世界 可是我卻覺得寫在那很安全 大概是因為我不在台灣吧 不用面對他 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2006-05-07T11:51
好驚訝喔!竟然自己想到治療心理的方式! 之前我買的那本英文書(暴食症:如何康復) 提到許多可以抒解壓抑的方式, 其中有一條就是「寫信」: 給你的家人、朋友,告訴他們曾經做了什麼事, 對你有什麼影響,或者跟她們說你的心事、病況, 重點是**你不必寄出**所以就能坦白的暢所欲言吧~ 我一直覺得這是一個很優秀的主意 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2006-05-07T10:07
(越回越多 乾脆回應自己的文 雖然頗怪) 結果我寫了一篇又臭又長的解釋文 還列了一張可能收信人清單 還分析了利弊(ex 這個人跟我的關係 以他的個性要是知道了會balabala...) 搞了好久才完成 忽然覺得自己頗蠢的 到底病人是誰阿 我的問題就在這兒吧 想太多 擔心太多 想掌控一切 能不能就放空一 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2006-05-06T21:55
希望台灣也能有人注意到這方面....嘆 Fashion is forced to act on anorexia website:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,8126-2143169,00.html By Graham Keeley Models an ...