糖食太多會長皺紋 (CNN英文新聞) - 養生

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-11-04T02:43

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By Linda Saether

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Before you grab that leftover piece of Halloween
candy, you might want to rethink the decision. It could cost you, in
wrinkles. It now appears the sweet stuff might make us happier and possibly
more hyper, but also make us look older.

Foods that turn into glucose in the body also can make you look older,
researchers say.

學者表示, 會在你體內轉化成葡萄糖的食物可能會讓你看起來更老。

A study in the British Journal of Dermatology breaks down the science of how
this works, putting the aging blame on a process called glycation. Glycation
occurs when sugars -- not just refined sugar, but anything that turns into
glucose in your body -- are eaten and the glucose hits your bloodstream. As
they float along, they search out and latch on to proteins and form a new
molecule called advanced glycation end products, or appropriately shorted to

蛋白質,還是朊)上並形成名叫Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)的新分子。

The more sugar you eat, the more AGEs you produce. As they multiply, these
molecules wreak havoc with adjacent proteins. The most vulnerable of these
proteins are just the ones we want to stay strong: collagen and elastin. They
are the compounds responsible for keeping our skin firm and elastic.


The result is sagging, wrinkled skin.


But before you throw in the towel and start saving for plastic surgery, there
is some good news about this newly reported form of sugar blues. There are
some things you can do to put the sticky sweet damage into rewind.

The first place to start is probably the most obvious: Limit the sugar in
your diet. Kerry Neville, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the
American Dietetic Association, says, "The lower you can get the added sugar
in your diet, because they aren't adding anything to your diet, the better."


But those added sugars can be hard to ferret out. "Eliminating them all is
hard," Neville contends. "Often it is a matter of where you are getting the
added sugar. Food labels don't spell out added sugars," so look for words
such as corn sweetener, corn syrup, sucrose or sorghum, to name a few.


Overall, the latest finding about wrinkles sits well with the Seattle,
Washington-based nutritionist, because, as Neville points out, "Americans eat
too much sugar, and it appears that the threat of making them fat doesn't
seem to discourage excess sugar eating. So this latest wrinkle scare might
just do the trick. That is great."

But Dr. Darren Casey, a dermatologist and dermatological surgeon in Atlanta,
Georgia, isn't so worried about potential skin damage from sugar. "Sun and
smoking are the leading cause of wrinkles," he said. His best advice, aside
from getting plenty of antioxidants in your diet, is to take "a chewable
vitamin C."


And whether your skin is sugar damaged or just environmentally challenged,
Casey says, you can't go wrong by using products that contain retinoids,
which are a class of compounds related chemically to vitamin A. Those
products, whether over the counter or prescription, are the best to help
soften fine lines or wrinkles, which in turn will make you look younger and
may just make you act sweeter, no sugar necessary.



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All Comments


William avatar
By William
at 2007-11-03T23:11
特別是到了秋冬之際 頭皮屑的情況很嚴重 但是夏天卻不會發生 夏天就算一個禮拜不洗頭也不會有頭皮屑 可是最近洗頭後的第二天就會開始出現一些屑屑 這是為什麼?因為冬天頭比較乾燥? 請問你們有這種情形嗎? 如何改善這個問題勒? 冬天才會發生頭皮屑的人適合洗專門去屑的洗髮乳嗎? 因為我怕是個人體質的關係並非頭皮問題洗 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2007-11-03T22:23
冬天到了我的手腳又開始冰冷了... 去年冬天沒有很嚴重的說,不曉得今年為啥又出現了 而且寒流都還沒有來耶= = 我就開始先冰冷了. 想請問有什麼中藥可以沖泡(盡量不要用茶包式的) 改善手腳冰冷的狀況呢?或是讓氣色紅潤? - ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2007-11-03T15:40
可以參考這裡 http://tinyurl.com/2shapn 抗氧化的化學結構基礎 - ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-11-03T09:38
※ 引述《alec0128 (讓我歐啪)》之銘言: : 我本身腸胃很不好 三不五時跑廁所非常急~是所謂的大腸激躁症嗎 : 因此我都吃不胖 非常瘦 : 最近在吃某間傳銷公司的活源酵素 : 原來酵素還有分很多種喔~那真的能增強腸胃的吸收能力嗎 有些水果也含有很多酵素 木瓜就是!! 消化系統不太好 可以選擇吃軟 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2007-11-03T01:55
請問一下如果有一包濃縮乳清蛋白(粉狀的) 感覺好像奶粉一樣~ 是要怎麼喝呢? 平常人喝可以嗎? 因為我想說要不要喝牛奶的時候順便加進去喝... 謝謝大家~ - ...