朋友有憂鬱症及妄想 - 憂鬱症

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-03-10T21:50

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※ 引述《heartplus (plus)》之銘言:
: 一位朋友幾個月前診斷出有憂鬱症
: 已在精神科就醫
: 最近打了幾次電話給我
: 內容是說一個"虛幻的人物"
: 並且與這個"人"在談戀愛
: 可以請問大家應該要如何應對嗎?
: 如果表示認同 我擔心她會更陷入自己的幻覺中
: 一直以為真的有這件事
: 但如果戳破 我又怕太刺激她
: 煩請大家告訴我該怎麼做才好

sorry I can't type chinese... (if you have any questions, feel
free to email me.)

my opinion is "accept her belief" but this doesn't mean you agree with
her beliefs.

try to see the world from her stance; that is, live in the same world
with her. when she talks about her 'lover' to you, you shall react to her
in the way you believe what she said is true, but persuade her to give
you a chance to see her 'lover'. e.g., "how does he look? can I see his
picture?" "invite him to hang out with us. I really want to meet him and
see if he is a nice guy."

if she can't give you a "proof" there is a 'real' person whom she has crush
on. Still, DON'T act the way that she is sick or mentally ill...
just support her, listen to her, and give her time to let herself figure
out what in earth happens on her... and then give her an advice to
talk this to her psychiatrist.


All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-03-12T15:45
seems still a long and hard way to go
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-03-17T05:37
William avatar
By William
at 2009-03-17T17:29
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-03-20T16:21
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-03-21T01:31


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-03-08T23:59
一位朋友幾個月前診斷出有憂鬱症 已在精神科就醫 最近打了幾次電話給我 內容是說一個and#34;虛幻的人物and#34; 並且與這個and#34;人and#34;在談戀愛 把他們之間的事情描述得很詳細 但是有很多不合理的情節 我愈聽愈想哭 覺得好好一個人怎麼變這樣 上次找了兩 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2009-03-08T16:31
一直都不覺得 自己竟然會罹患這種病 有時候 會覺得厭世 因為不想要一直吃藥 吃藥 感覺就是有病 而且覺得自己有一天會變的很可怕 想脫離這種情形 - ...

憂鬱症 環境適應不良

Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-03-08T16:27
應該有一年了吧 原本是在外面生活的大學生 因為母親開刀所以回鄉下 沒過多久 每天晚上都無法入眠 半年後去了醫院診斷出來是環境適應不良 醫生建議我換環境 因為母親本身也有憂鬱症 所以只要 一說到 我要出去生活 他就會想盡任何方法 讓我留下來 這讓我覺得我母親很恐怖 因為他甚至以死威脅 ...

暴躁 焦慮 強迫症 容易想到過去不好的事

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-03-08T01:11
板上的各位朋友大家好,這是我第一次上這個版請大家多多指教, 本人目前是剛下單位一個多月的役男,工作上嚴格來講不會很累也不會很輕鬆, 目前工作時間是以一天計算,也就是說是24小時制,從今天早上8點到隔天早上8點 中間有固定的休息時間,假期也有固定休假,工作不算難. 不過由於本人容易緊張,而且也沒有非常細 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-03-06T20:54
有一天 我上班的時候 因為上連班 原本以為我只是累而已 想說:阿!可能只是累了 深呼吸一下吧! 結果越來越悶 好像我憂鬱症發作的感覺 因為已經兩個月沒那種感覺了 突然一來 我感到莫名的害怕 不想和人聊天 畏縮 我花了三.四小時調整回來 不知道大家有沒有快速恢復心情的方法? 如果下一次在這樣 ...