who are your peers? - 憂鬱症

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2021-08-29T12:30

Table of Contents

Famous and rich people can feel sad and awful enough to end themselves too.

Much of our psychological pain stems from feeling less than our peers,
resulting in shame, anger, and despair, because we 'should've' been able to
do as well as our peers.

Which begs the question, who do we consider as our peers?

Our relatives? Our schoolmates? Our colleagues, or fellow mental health
survivors? Is it a social tribe that we identify with?

Been reading Primates on Park Avenue, and it turns out life on the Upper East
Side is hella scary, and living inside the community forces the author to
adopt the currency that applies to this social tribe: immaculate physical
appearance and the ability to 'be on the in' with many sought after

There's this struggle with being authentic and move at one's own pace versus
being approved and respected by this community you live in.

If I could view myself as a different species than my parents or my classmates,
maybe there would be less self-loathing.

What is a reasonable standard that is achievable but also inspires, tailored
especially for me? If we have to compare to gauge our progress, what is the


All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2021-08-30T05:07
whatever you do, don't compare
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-09-03T11:40
if you have to, compare with your past self.
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2021-09-06T10:48
That’s the thing though, comparing with past self
also doesn’t work because I didn’t have depressio
n back then...and then I’ve been pretty much stagn
ant since depression
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2021-09-09T15:59
Comparison/feeling inferior is not the only (or eve
n the major, in my opinion) reason that those with
social achievement to feel miserable. I think the b
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2021-09-10T09:05
ook is rather a narrow perspectives/simplicity towa
rds the issue (if comparison is the central topic).
Unfortunately human beings are more complex than t
hat, which means, you can still feel hopelessness a
nd despair, even when you "subjectively" believe yo
u are on par with your peers.
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2021-09-14T03:29
That is quite true, people can be miserable having
things other desire but lacking what truly makes th
e individual happy regardless of social norm
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2021-09-15T04:54
Well if u have a humanitarian value set of what’s i
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2021-09-15T08:26
mportant to u within, that u may evaluate the world
in less competitive ways.
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2021-09-17T08:25
Have been trying this approach myself recently.
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-09-18T07:58
That’s a good approach


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-08-29T09:25
首先先說孤單也是我自找的 本來有個穩定的女友 但是對方想婚想生 我知道自己做不到便分手了 現在也快30了也沒能認識多點人 只有之前住院認識滿好的兩位女性病友 可能因為是病友才能有同感 但跟病友相處又會感到有壓力 擔心對方自傷等等問題 還有我自己也有很大的問題 後來也漸漸疏遠了他們 自己也不喜歡交友軟體但又走不 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-08-29T06:46
6月才剛發過文章,但情況沒有好轉,反而更依賴藥物,想說把最近經歷的轉折打出來和各位版友討論 先簡述近期的狀況:我原本的工作是約聘制的朝八晚五,這個時期會偶爾失眠,嚴重時會連續個三天左右都沒睡覺,大概到第三天的時候我會去給人針灸,就會好睡一點,不需要吃西藥,但偶爾會吃褪黑激素或gaba輔助。但整體還算是可以正常 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2021-08-29T02:56
很難判斷這種不完整的感覺到底是怎麼來的,天生的?還是原生家庭?從小就是這樣了, 所以總是太依賴,看起來很獨立的依賴,好像沒有一個誰便無法生活似的,變成一個巨大 的弱點。 完整的人是怎麼樣的呢?沒有這種缺陷的人的感覺是怎麼樣的呢?是不是就不會總是害怕 失去?是不是就不會總是害怕擁有?是不是就能夠勇敢的面對陽光 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2021-08-29T02:09
正看著剝好的睡前藥 考慮要不要現在吃 昨天睡了兩次 一是醒了也不知道幹嘛 二是感覺睡了會很舒服 也的確是很順利的睡到晚餐時間 醒來就滑一下手機的通知 看到欣賞的加拿大女演員認真回應了我的留言 是挺興奮的 但總覺得好像高興不太起來 一如往常去碼頭呆坐抽菸滑手機 聽心理師推薦書籍的導讀直 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2021-08-29T01:11
請問大家都怎麼停藥的? 我之前是焦慮症 最嚴重的時候一天要吃速悅2顆 一直到去年的現在 醫生覺得我狀況穩定 於是就開始減藥 習慣少劑量速悅後 又再改成百憂解 也是漸進式的慢慢減 本來都沒有什麼特別的感覺 到最近這幾個禮拜 是從半顆改到四分之一 再到這一個半禮拜盡量沒吃 就開始常常覺得呼吸不太順 頭 ...