Re: Abilify 2mg/15mg - 精神疾病

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-02-12T22:29

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※ 引述《celestial09 (Koouos :D)》之銘言:
: I hope I can type in English.....!$#!%!
: sorry that I can't bare to type in Chinese now :S
: there, I have to ask desparately....
: I forgot to bring my medication back to Taiwan!!!
: And I am out of medication for more than 3 weeks,
: start to sense some weird feelings and images...
: I took 2 mg Abilify for a year now, and everything seems going fine.
: However, this time it's really killing...
: some fire burning in my neurons. After that, I almost gone crazy and had to
: to see the doctor immediately, but the doctor said in Taiwan there's only
: 15 mg tablets available. I had no chioce but had to take it all.
: Tonight I am experiencing unbearable pain of Headaches, heartburn, plus subtle
: shakiness. How, how should I solve the problem???
: I also have a sense of sedated feelings, like my soul is flying out from my
: body. @_@
: Can anyone help??? I am very painful....hopefully after a couple hours the
: pain will be gone....sigh...
You can go back to find your doctor to adjust your medication.

Titration of Abilify often induces the feeling of restlessness,
which the doctors often called it "Akathisia".
It often happens in the initial days of dosage titration.

You can go to find your doctor, and tell him/her the condition you met:
Besides, some ways of medication adjustment could be considered:
<1>Taper the dosage of Abilify can reduce the feeling of unease
(just split the pill to 1/2 tablet, or even 1/4 tablet)
<2>Discuss with your doctor to adjust your medication, including
adding some beta-blocker (for example: Inderal(propranolol))
and/or some Benzodiazepines (for example: Rivotril(clonazepam))
to reduce the feeling of restlessness which Abilify brought to you.


All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-02-17T04:57
Why can't I understand any these discutions at all?
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-02-21T08:09
because i have a poor english ha ha ha = =


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-02-12T16:13
這裡是精神疾病討論版,可是精神疾病與心理版性質感覺漫類似的。 剛巧這篇又談到用學佛來安定情緒,我覺得也可以分享一點心得。 我想先從一則歷史趣聞提起,故事是佛印禪師與蘇軾的對話, 大意是蘇軾問:你覺得我禪坐時,像什麼?佛印說像佛(也有人說是菩薩)。 蘇軾很高興,佛印也問他:那你覺得我呢?蘇軾說像牛糞,佛印也很 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-02-12T11:58
※ 引述《powshing (象棋不會下)》之銘言: : A. : 我很想學佛.但是想學佛的目的是學易經 和 八卦 : 想說我得精神分裂..也沒在工作..簡直可以說是社會上的負擔 : 我在想 一國的國運是可以用算出來的 : 那 一人的命運也可以算呀!!? : 所以我想讓自己多讀點書 更健康 : 有好 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-02-12T11:47
1. 因愛誕生:一段父親帶我回家的路 這本書我很能深刻體會 我沒有家庭 我不需要為他人負責 但同樣的 我的悲傷快樂沒有家人關心 那我到底應該怎麼辦呢 一直都是我的痛和疑問 這個心理諮商師的心路歷程很感人 從孤兒到學習如何真正愛別人愛自己 每個字都好真切誠懇 2. The ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-02-12T11:10
其實 你的論點有點深 這可能對於一般上BBS看看笨版 或是去O2把把妹的朋友來說 這思維太難了 就我而言 不諱言 我的生活雖無目標 但是就是這樣傻傻的過 算清幽 如果說要禪修 我建議一般人做事說話順著四維八德就可以了 畢竟禪修 我們能及的距離好遠好遠 and#34;心神就不定了 我怎能坐著不 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-02-12T10:29
我一直以來都是大量閱讀的人 所以我看了各式各樣的書 直到我發現 這些道理我都懂啊 我怎麼都做不到 我才開始正視也許我真的應該試試看禪修 我知道很多人跟我一樣對佛教印象不好 我從小 我姨婆外婆媽媽就很喜歡送錢去寺廟 我是個大方願意與他人分享的人 我覺得佈施很好 可是為什麼他 ...