over and under - 憂鬱症

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2022-10-19T13:55

Table of Contents

My nervous system has to be fine tuned very carefully. A bit too much of adrenaline sends me into the high heavens and I can’t get sleep. The sudden cold front the marches down the town and then I go front bright-eyed to a dull doll who slumps and sleeps forever and ever.

It’s over 12am. This is one of those hyper days where I can’t rest.
On those days I’m an overachiever, wanting to learn all the theories and write all the thoughts that comes from reading a good essay. Those are the days when I question my life choices, to be stuck in a dead end job while I really want to produce some substantial words or insights via a job.

However, on those zombie days I’m just happy that my supervisor allows me to call in sick on average 3 days a month, and work is usually routine enough that I don’t need to use my non-exeistent brainpower.

So when the therapist ask me an all encompassing question, “What is happiness to you?”
I really can’t give a nuanced answer. One day I’ll tell you I want to publish something important, another day I will say to let me sleep to my heart’s content without having to worry about bills.

I wonder how to find a therapist that fits me too. It’s not easy, when in Taiwan I can get recommendations, but with the States I’m at a loss. How do I even start? Insurance coverage? Therapists who are people of color? Someone who is familiar with Asian culture? Someone specializing in family trauma? Or a certain type of therapy technique?

Doing these are costing me money and sick leave days, and more work than my actual work that pays me. And it doesn’t guarantee anything. For all I know, most of the time it’s a dud.
As a sentiment that I have expressed again and again, finding a therapist that works is harder than finding someone to date.
Sent from JPTT on my iPad


All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2022-10-16T13:04
everyone feels the same way. actually they said it's
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2022-10-20T14:10
harder than finding a bf/gf, not merely date
a date

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2022-10-19T00:04
今年換到薪水好一點的工作 但朝冗員目標邁進 學會了開車 也實際開車上下班 跟自己說一聲生日快樂 新的一年 加油加油!!! ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPad - ...

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2022-10-18T22:01
又一個名人墜樓身亡。希望祂解脫,一路好走。 在這個世間,我好像也走不下去了。 覺得好冷、好累,並不想動彈,也不想再活下去, 連去死的動力都没有,不想吃飯,只是一直覺得昏厥, 也許無法去祭拜你了,真希望有人能幫我結束這一切, 讓我解脫吧! - ...

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2022-10-18T21:38
今天好累 累到會抖會怕 結果書沒能破1萬4 現在我居然在想能不能破2萬了 但寫了真的賣得出去嗎 我強烈懷疑 雖然已經決定要給一筆審稿費給W IMF寫了會考嗎 他的出題頻率真的超低的 但比起其他組織就是再出現得多一點點 昨天一口氣傳了三題申論上阿摩 但阿摩這陣子好安靜 之前考試快到時一直賺到鑽石 現在大家都休 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2022-10-18T21:25
從小到大一直努力生活著 想要自己成為和家人不一樣的人 成績雖然不優異 但在自己可努力範圍內努力著 和人互動充滿著小劇場 於是努力去諮商去閱讀想更了解自己 在工作中 做得好還不夠 總是希望更好或成為最好 連照顧自己的心理健康 都認為我該負責該努力 為自己的心靈負起責任 原本已經停藥三個多月了 有用藥的兩年間其 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2022-10-18T20:06
其實患病至今算算也已經十五六年了 除了青少年時期極糟糕的階段外 就不曾再吃過藥,即使中間偶有復發 也總能憑藉個人的意志力從低谷中跨出 但最近工作壓力 算是把我狠狠拖回那個時期的幽谷吧 一早起來,會賴床到最後一秒才掙扎著起床 總是刷著壓線的卡 但更多的是每天想著乾脆就這樣來開人世吧 早餐買了進公司,也是咬 ...