葛森氏療法 - 抗癌

By Yedda
at 2010-10-07T15:36
at 2010-10-07T15:36
Table of Contents
※ 引述《thirteens (percy)》之銘言:
pubmed上面 試著用Gerson therapy輸入作為關鍵字 只有440篇相關論文
用Gerson regimen 只有39篇
可以告知一下還有怎樣的關鍵字 可以加起來到六千份以上的論文嗎?
這是美國國家癌症機構(NCI)的簡單整理 有關葛森療法的文章
Because no prospective, controlled study of the use of the Gerson therapy in
cancer patients has been reported in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, no
level of evidence analysis is possible for this approach. The data that are
available are not sufficient to warrant claims that the Gerson therapy is
effective as an adjuvant to other cancer therapies or as a cure. At this
time, the use of the Gerson therapy in the treatment of cancer patients
cannot be recommended outside the context of well-designed clinical trials.
因此目前葛森式療法只能被作為臨床試驗的等級, 而不能被推薦在正規治療
→ thirteens:歐、美隨意就可以找到6000份以上的論文與免疫-癌症 10/04 00:25
→ thirteens:研究,ISSN: 15347354 例 這篇追蹤6位使用葛森療法病患 10/04 00:29
pubmed上面 試著用Gerson therapy輸入作為關鍵字 只有440篇相關論文
用Gerson regimen 只有39篇
可以告知一下還有怎樣的關鍵字 可以加起來到六千份以上的論文嗎?
→ thirteens:五位皆不再復發,該篇結論仍相當保守,因變數太多 10/04 00:31
→ thirteens:歐洲與各地已在漸風行。若找到不營利的醫院/師 10/04 00:39
→ thirteens:且只為治病,此療法可謂不二選。但明顯有利益衝突 10/04 00:42
這是美國國家癌症機構(NCI)的簡單整理 有關葛森療法的文章
Because no prospective, controlled study of the use of the Gerson therapy in
cancer patients has been reported in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, no
level of evidence analysis is possible for this approach. The data that are
available are not sufficient to warrant claims that the Gerson therapy is
effective as an adjuvant to other cancer therapies or as a cure. At this
time, the use of the Gerson therapy in the treatment of cancer patients
cannot be recommended outside the context of well-designed clinical trials.
因此目前葛森式療法只能被作為臨床試驗的等級, 而不能被推薦在正規治療
All Comments

By Harry
at 2010-10-12T00:05
at 2010-10-12T00:05

By Dorothy
at 2010-10-16T03:18
at 2010-10-16T03:18

By Faithe
at 2010-10-19T13:57
at 2010-10-19T13:57

By Freda
at 2010-10-20T14:44
at 2010-10-20T14:44

By Lily
at 2010-10-24T16:37
at 2010-10-24T16:37

By Ophelia
at 2010-10-25T22:03
at 2010-10-25T22:03

By Doris
at 2010-10-27T06:36
at 2010-10-27T06:36

By Daph Bay
at 2010-10-30T17:03
at 2010-10-30T17:03

By Skylar Davis
at 2010-11-02T22:50
at 2010-11-02T22:50

By Tracy
at 2010-11-05T16:12
at 2010-11-05T16:12

By Candice
at 2010-11-06T14:43
at 2010-11-06T14:43

By Ina
at 2010-11-06T20:51
at 2010-11-06T20:51

By Annie
at 2010-11-07T12:31
at 2010-11-07T12:31

By Annie
at 2010-11-09T01:31
at 2010-11-09T01:31

By Connor
at 2010-11-09T20:25
at 2010-11-09T20:25

By Jack
at 2010-11-11T20:54
at 2010-11-11T20:54

By Poppy
at 2010-11-14T00:21
at 2010-11-14T00:21

By Eartha
at 2010-11-14T01:24
at 2010-11-14T01:24

By Mason
at 2010-11-15T23:14
at 2010-11-15T23:14
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