should I engage in office politics - 憂鬱症

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-02-28T14:39

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※ 引述《isaki1987 (N/A)》之銘言:
: I like observing, but I hate being in the middle of it.
: To me a job is finding something interesting in the daily chores, and also get
: ting monetary compensation.
: However, if I get preoccupied with office politics the fun factor goes out of
: the window. And navigating it doesn't excite me like a chess game; rather, it
: frustrates me very much.
: Perhaps I should keep these interactions to a bare necessity, and focus on thi
: ngs that make me happy, because whether I win the game or not, it will make me
: want to throw the entire career away.
: I don't have the makings of a conqueror, winning power struggles doesn't make
: me high. I'm a little designer on the sideline who'd rather observe and test m
: y theory to make up a system for kings to use.





All Comments


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-02-28T01:18
如題 每次進入鬱期前其實我都有感覺,開始覺得ㄧ切令人煩躁,特別看不慣世界,覺得世界好 吵好吵...但是就算發現了還是無法阻擋鬱期來臨。 有人有好方法嗎? - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-02-27T21:58
剛剛主動的找了LINE上面的人聊天 是公司的同事 雖然已經是前同事了 因為他們離職了 我在試著練習 見面只說三分話 因為我以前真的是沒有想過這件事 常常會跟才剛認識的人 ...

不陰不晴 右腳受傷 胸罩

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-02-27T16:14
1 有點焦慮感 需要打些字發洩一下 等等要工作 右腳受傷了 車禍那天開始 先是膝蓋 然後這幾天跑步後是腳踝 這兩天只能做tabata 沒有好轉周一再去看醫生 2 昨天去找大丹狗 又是再他的睡覺時間 我覺得他真的很困擾 不過他脾氣很好不會對我發脾氣 公園裡我坐在他旁邊 丹想睡了 所以他縮起來睡著了 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2016-02-27T16:12
來源 「對話」 『這幾日的演講,聚焦在對話。如何與人對話?如何與孩子對話? 尤其是父母與孩子的對話,翻開來檢視,其實大部分內容很重複。 若脫離了日常的瑣事範疇,脫離命令語句,脫離檢查式的問句,脫離說教式的提點, 剩下來的還有什麼? 而在太強調主 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2016-02-27T14:38
喔喔喔 好想要聊天ㄛ!!! 可是不知道找誰聊 大家都不在嗚嗚 突然呈現很興奮的狀態XDD 開心~ - ...