Re: 請問Efexor XR - 精神疾病

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2004-06-10T02:00

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※ 引述《phiby (超可愛貓)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《chihlingchen (.........)》之銘言:
: : 我吃3顆 中午1顆 晚上2顆
: : 平常不覺得吃這個藥對自己的情緒有什麼改善
: : 前幾天晚上去看電影 結果忘了晚上該吃的2顆
: : 隔天開始就一直昏昏沉沉想睡覺 一直狂睡
: : 什麼事都不想做 真糟糕 也不想吃東西
: : 一開始吃時食慾很差 體重直直落
: : 習慣這個藥之後就好了點
: : 但是那天忘了吃之後 身體變的怪怪的
: : 什麼都不想 不想吃 不想動 又變瘦了
: : 我實在不想再瘦下去 3字頭讓人覺得瘦得噁心><
: : ---------------------------------------------
: : 初次po文 今天才發現除了prozac之外 還有這個版쨊: 我大約兩週前有碰到一個吞服28天Efexor劑量要自殺的病人
: 當天在急診做完簡單的處理後就收到我們病房來了
: 至於over dose 的 sign 幾乎沒有文獻記載
: 當天早上入院 下午2PM病人開始 sizure, 而且意識欠清
: 眼神無打對焦 呈驚獗狀, 而且當天病人 sizure 兩次
: 尿也尿不出來 所以on上導尿管.....
: 我po這篇的目的是 大家在用藥上要小心, 醫生是專業的
: 想減藥可以跟醫生商量 不要自己減藥或調藥
If you take too many Efexor-XR
capsules you may:
* feel sleepy;
* have an increased heart rate;
* have a seizure (fits);
* have breathing difficulties;
* become unconscious;
* have dilated pupils.



Human Experience

There were 14 reports of acute overdose with Effexor
(venlafaxine hydrochloride), either alone
or in combination with other drugs and/or alcohol, among the
patients included in the premarketing evaluation.
The majority of the reports involved ingestions in which the
total dose of Effexor taken was estimated to be no more
than several-fold higher than the usual therapeutic

The 3 patients who took the highest doses were estimated
to have ingested approximately 6.75 g, 2.75 g, and 2.5 g.
The resultant peak plasma levels of venlafaxine for the
latter 2 patients were 6.24 and 2.35 μg/mL, respectively,
and the peak plasma levels of O-desmethylvenlafaxine
were 3.37 and 1.30 μg/mL, respectively.

Plasma venlafaxine levels were not obtained for the
patient who ingested 6.75 g of venlafaxine.
All 14 patients recovered without sequelae.
Most patients reported no symptoms.
Among the remaining patients, somnolence was the most commonly
reported symptom. The patient who ingested 2.75 g of
venlafaxine was observed to have 2 generalized convulsions
and a prolongation of QTc to 500 msec, compared with 405 msec
at baseline. Mild sinus tachycardia was reported in 2 of the other patients.

In postmarketing experience, overdose with venlafaxine has
occurred predominantly in combination with alcohol and/or
other drugs. Electrocardiogram changes (eg, prolongation of
QT interval, bundle branch block, QRS prolongation),
sinus and ventricular tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension,
altered level of consciousness (ranging from somnolence to coma),
rhabdomyolysis, seizures, vertigo, and death have been reported.



All Comments


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2004-06-04T12:58
※ 引述《milklin (milklin)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《shinping (星冰味)》之銘言: : : 是的,兩者的業務並不相同! : : 可能做一些關於認知的篩選或評估,或是處理兒童發展的情緒障礙問題等等 : : 簡言之,臨床心理師不一定只在精神科就是了 : : 國外的心理醫生需具有博士學位 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2004-06-02T23:18
※ 引述《chenjuneshin ()》之銘言: : 我媽說:好啊!你們逼我啊! :     我為了這個家,你們還這樣對我 :     沒幸福可言了,活著還有什麼意思 :     要死大家來去死, :      怎麼辦,我快受不了了 印象中有看過 醫療人員可以(也依法應該)到府服務的法規 但找不到究竟是在哪 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2004-06-02T17:02
※ 引述《izusaaaa (感謝神 成就了我的禱告)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《qqqqq55 (qqqqq55￾N ￾NNNI》之銘言: : : 我會咬+撕 : : 且特愛咬中指 : : 特別有感覺 : : 每次都咬到很短 : : 以前有咬到流血過 : : 現在不敢了 : : 我覺得指甲很短然後用力壓 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2004-06-01T15:13
※ 引述《kerry (kerry)》之銘言: : 家族中的一個長輩有一些讓人無法理解的行為 : 她對所有的人似乎都感到不滿 : 覺得先生有外遇、小孩(已經大學)不聽話 : 會一直打電話跟別人說自己老公小孩的壞話 : 只要看到聽到 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2004-05-23T17:15
: ※ 引述《shins (...)》之銘言: : : 你知道為什麼會自殘嗎... : : 我本身是重鬱症且合併其他精神疾病... : : 我無時無刻都感受到無比的壓力與痛苦... : : 這些東西對我而言都是有形的...你能懂嗎... : : 因為我消化不掉...所以這些壓力就像有形的東西往我身體裡塞... ...