Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - 憂鬱症

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2013-01-17T21:18

Table of Contents

其中Brain Damage對精神分裂症有深刻的唱出來那感覺

The lunantic is on the grass
The lunantic is on the grass
Remebering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade,you make the change
you re-arrange me 'till I'm sane

"You lock the door
"And throw away the key
"There's someone in my head but it's not me

"And if the cloud bursts,the thunder in you ear
"You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band your'e in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.



All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-01-19T01:27
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-01-20T06:43


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-01-15T10:53
去藥局拿慢籤 隨口問了一下 「如果是管制藥品,藥局也能拿藥嗎?」 對方回答可以。 也難怪派對藥物這麼流行 如果藥事人員心不正 管制類藥品要流出其實很容易的 (菸) - ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-01-14T20:34
我這裡指的騎車睡著不是吃完安眠藥吃後覺得睡不著 跑出去騎車閒晃 還是照醫生的指示在睡前吃藥 然後隔天上班騎車騎到睡著 我回想我還真的蠻神的 在科學園區滿滿的車海中睡著 還騎三十分鐘以上 而且為了怕騎太慢無聊反而睡著 車速起碼60以上...... 有人有按指示吃藥反而隔天精神不好睡著的經驗嗎 - ...

自己真的好了嗎 無奈...

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2013-01-14T17:55
去年十一月我開始停藥, 希望擺脫一切思想上的束縛,努力的讓自己開心 我先找了個約聘的行政工作 領時薪的那種 沒有壓力 正常上下班 算是涼缺中的涼缺 就算主任說我待他那會不會大材小用 就算家人希望我考高普考 趕快爭取高薪穩定的工作 但沒關係,讓自己開心就好 晚上我找球隊參加團練 報名比賽增加刺激感 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-01-14T09:21
有人可以聊嗎?女徵女談 有人也是尼特族嗎? 且很久了... 又尼特又有其他問題又痛苦的 有在台北的嗎? - ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-01-14T04:16
有人也在台北想一起工作嗎? 或是聊聊互相照顧也好 有女生可以一起嗎? - ...