I dont know you - 憂鬱症

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2022-07-18T22:07

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probably is the worst setence I could imagine if someone I know told me so.

In Bible's world, the worst place is not hell but limbo.

I had a few rows with Info Dept because they refused to maintain my PC.

The reason they told me was that that the PC was purchased under research project therefore they are not responsible for the maintenance. I felt angry and upset because my PC was also the hospital's property. After the PI retires, he cannot take the PC away with him and the fucking Info Dept refuse to do their job. The lady kept emphasising that it was not their business and they made any no mistakes with my PC AND they had serviced my PC FOR FREE three times.

Rationally I understood her but emotionally that was my button and the button was pushed by them. 'I don't know you.' So I refuse to give my kindness to you even though I am capable of doing so. I am so fearful maybe one day I might end up in a situation where I need people's kindness to survive and if that really happens, I could die because people refuse to offer their kindness.

I remember when I was in the Forbidden City and felt intense stomach ache. I lay down because the pain was too much. People just walked by and ignored me. I felt too much pain to care about their indifference. But looking back, I just found that situation dreadful. This society is so aloof and less and less people care. Now I care less as well yet I feel heart ache when see people care less.


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×Girafe aime rêver×


All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2022-07-21T00:19
I think living in Taiwan that people are general nic
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2022-07-20T23:43
e makes it common for people to take others’ kindne
ss for granted. You feel upset because you think it
’s what they are supposed to do, they are supposed
to help and being kind. But not many of people think
about where do that entitlement coming from? Do the
strangers owe you anything? What would you feel if
a stranger believe giving them half of your salary i
s what you “are supposed to do”? how about 1/4? 1/
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2022-07-23T01:54
10? or 1/20 is not that much and what you could do r
ight?and they got angry because you refused? are the
y in the position to ask that? It’s not that differ
ent from you believe they “must” do things for you
If they are being kind, that’s their merit not thei
r obligation.
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2022-07-20T23:43
I suppose I am not here for being rational?
John avatar
By John
at 2022-07-23T01:54
rational is “one of” the ways to help “alleviate
” the struggle, up to you to find any way that’d h
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2022-07-20T23:43
elp the situation or make others do things that yo
u think it’s better.


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2022-07-18T21:31
到新公司感覺挑戰很大 這一波換了一大批新血 我也不是年輕的肝肝 感覺壓力真的山大 下午跟老闆報告 八月中要進修三天 但如果公司有要務 (會取消)以公司為主 以前公司幾乎沒在管你的 你的個案和會談時間自己排好 也不會太多干涉 有一點點感覺到不自由 沒有專業自主的感覺嗚嗚 老闆回說有兩天是公司的內部進修時間 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2022-07-18T20:38
個人心情抒發 太可怕了 我覺得很害怕 很恐懼 很可怕 我做惡夢他滿意了 可以不要再糾纏我了嗎 可以這樣一再恐嚇嗎 真的很可怕 我發心情文關他屁事 一直管 他到底以為他是誰啊 太恐怖了太恐怖了太恐怖了 我的手在發抖 但發文是我的自由 這裡是中華民國不是小粉紅 我就算是死 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2022-07-18T20:31
預報了卻要下不下的便秘雷雨 就像我的心情一樣 憋得慌。 不知道能做什麼緩解 想洗頭髮(? 突然歪掉) 貓貓聽到打雷 或雨聲一有變大的樣子 就馬上跑去躲在沙發下 好可憐 - ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2022-07-18T19:55
我要好好調整心態來面對很多事 雖然很多事情已經都無法挽回了 - ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2022-07-18T19:19
身為重鬱鬱友, 雖然疾病剝奪走日常大多的快樂, 藥物也麻痺了感官的七情六慾(?) 但偶爾也是會有感受到快樂的時刻。 可能是和朋友花了一天閒聊, 可能是鼓起勇氣踏出家門走走, 總而言之,這偶然的快樂有百百種出現可能。 但最近發現, 自己在情緒高亢後, 回歸到只剩自己的空蕩房間, 就好像失去了自我, 感受到了 ...