comparison - 憂鬱症

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2022-10-20T21:27

Table of Contents

Is the thief of joy, so they say.

Is it even possible to stop this behavior, like, at all?

When you do a job, your work performance is compared with metrics; when you ap
ply for school or jobs, you are compared for your qualifications; when you sho
p, you compare the price and the quality of the goods.

So how is it even possible that you don’t compare yourself to others? Is not
comparing an impossible feat that the feel-good self-help industry churn out a
s an idea that’s not feasible to implement as it is a innate working mechanis


All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2022-10-19T23:35
Because comparison is for decision making, aka you c
ompare when it’s necessary (when there’s a reason
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2022-10-22T11:00
I don’t think that’s not inevitable. If you see th
at as a tool the most important is when and what to
use it for.


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2022-10-20T16:53
早上新老闆講到我馬上去找人力銀行 可惡 煩死了 一直塞東西給我 幹你他媽的 我只領一份薪水 沒有被祝福的部分 感覺難堪 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPad - ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2022-10-20T16:16
離職第三週,完完全全的卡住,所有的興趣也都塵封,人生的下一個方向在哪裡? 太急著工作,原來自己還是混亂到不行,只要失能過一次,大腦的損傷沒有想像中堅強及 快速復原的能力,我太高估一切了,生存、有穩定收入真的好難好難好難… 終於和精神分析取向治療師約了第一次面談,原來進入真正的治療還需要3-5次評估,簡 要 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2022-10-20T15:34
版上的大家好, 這是一隻想要拍拍的狼。 還沒有憂鬱症以前, 狼覺得自己很堅強,盡量不會請假。 即使急性過敏進出急診、密集打針, 也才請假一天吧。 可是4年前生病之後, 我變成一隻脆弱的狼。 很害怕出門、感到羞恥, 最感到安全的時候是縮在房間的床上。 然後,也容易放大不舒服的感受, 發燒、喉嚨痛、忽冷忽熱 ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2022-10-20T13:48
運動紀錄no.18 這兩天變天的很明顯, 身體著涼,可能也加上換季過敏, 噴嚏一碰到冷空氣就打, 鼻水一直流,衛生紙用到爆, 很煩~~ 邊流鼻水拿衛生紙塞鼻孔變做運動, 對此感覺很煩躁,但能怎麼辦呢? 同樣聽著梁教練的太極十八式廣東話帶領, 吸氣~呼氣~吸~呼 我發現自己可能又要多一項語言能力 (開完笑的哪 ...

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2022-10-20T09:15
醫生都會直接說出他的想法 謝謝他認真的和我討論 公司來了一個聽說是未來的老闆 以後會有兩個老闆 原本想準備什麼和他討論 (他說要找我談談) 但算了我也不太會講話 就不用什麼準備了 認命考試吧 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...