憂鬱症 - 憂鬱症

By Suhail Hany
at 2022-08-28T19:50
at 2022-08-28T19:50
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就是這禮拜了 我應該要超焦慮的阿 但筆記就是慢慢寫快不來 只能一步一步
考完給自己的獎勵是台東小旅行和買原子習慣的書 之後繼續準備考試 要練習很多很多爆炸多的考題 我買的厚厚一個書夾一個月已經被我寫爆了 但一輪都沒還寫完怎麼辦
After watching Abao's study with me videos, I realised that in fact what I need is a role model. A study role model. I usually get super anxious in the afternoon (for no reason). Abao was quite calm and just doing his study (gracefully) for the entire 2 hours (and sometimes 4 hours). I was trying not to get too anxious and just focusing on my study. This afternoon it went pretty well. Well probably the rain helped but Abao's video helped for sure.
我看了VOO Max圖 發現我買在傳說中的最高點 人家說為什麼我一進場股票就跌 幹 原來這件事也發生在我身上 看來這不是傳說 好 我要繼續寫筆記了go go
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▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
考完給自己的獎勵是台東小旅行和買原子習慣的書 之後繼續準備考試 要練習很多很多爆炸多的考題 我買的厚厚一個書夾一個月已經被我寫爆了 但一輪都沒還寫完怎麼辦
After watching Abao's study with me videos, I realised that in fact what I need is a role model. A study role model. I usually get super anxious in the afternoon (for no reason). Abao was quite calm and just doing his study (gracefully) for the entire 2 hours (and sometimes 4 hours). I was trying not to get too anxious and just focusing on my study. This afternoon it went pretty well. Well probably the rain helped but Abao's video helped for sure.
我看了VOO Max圖 發現我買在傳說中的最高點 人家說為什麼我一進場股票就跌 幹 原來這件事也發生在我身上 看來這不是傳說 好 我要繼續寫筆記了go go
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▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
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