食慾極度不振 - 抗癌

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2005-11-20T13:59

Table of Contents

加油喔~ 有吃才有體力喔~

Ways to alleviate nausea and vomiting with diet

‧ Eat small amounts of food every few hours

‧ If there is a pattern to nausea, eat more during periods known
to involve less nausea 避開特別會噁心嘔吐的時間,在其餘的時間裡多吃一些

‧ Eat dry foods like toast, crackers or dry cereal at any time,
especially shortly after waking eat bland, simple foods such as
chicken soup or broth, rice, pasta, bananas, jello, pudding and
hot cereal (farina, oatmeal, cream of wheat)
在吃了一些比較濃稠的食物後 (如雞湯、粥飯、麵、香蕉、布丁或燕麥等),
應立即再吃下一些乾的食物 (如土司、小餅乾、喜瑞兒等),可緩解噁心的感覺

‧ Eat light foods with little seasoning, avoid foods which are fried,
fatty, overly salty or sweet; gradually introduce your favorite foods
into your diet, along with higher-calorie foods,
in order to ensure nourishment. 用餐以清淡為主,避免高油、太鹹或太甜的食物,

‧ Avoid greasy or fried foods, and use little or no margarine or butter;
fats are difficult to digest 油脂高的食物不易消化,飲食應避免過油的食物

‧ Do not eat and drink at the same time; drink liquids between meals or
30-60 minutes before or after eating 因為液體食物會影響飽足感,

‧ Avoid lying down for at least an hour after eating; if you must rest,
sit down or lean back with your head higher than your feet

‧ Keep the room temperature cool 維持室內清爽的溫度

‧ If drinking liquids does not worsen nausea or vomiting, drink large
amounts of fluids such as water, caffeine-free soda
(especially clear carbonated sodas like ginger ale or 7-Up), or broth

‧ After vomiting, you should drink electrolyte preparations like Pedialyte, or
a mixture of 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 liter of water

‧ Eat slowly and chew each mouthful well. Sip beverages slowly, and
drink liquids that have been allowed to warm or cool to room temperature
(extreme temperatures may be difficult to tolerate). If the smell of food
makes you feel sick, eat only dishes which are cold or at room temperature.
小口細嚼慢嚥,避免太燙或太冰的食物 (容易引起腸胃道的反射作用);如果對食物的

‧ Do not force yourself to eat if you do not feel like it. 如果吃不下

‧ Get someone to help you when preparing food. Do not stay in the kitchen.
A well-ventilated room is preferable. 最好有人幫您準備食物,病人應避免處在

‧ Before or after the meal, go for a walk in the open air or stay near to
an open window. 用餐後,病人應待在通風的地方

‧ Breathe through the mouth so as to avoid odours which may increase the
sensation of nausea. 用嘴巴呼吸可能易引起噁心的感覺


That's right,
I'm the last one standing,
another one bites the dust.

Tags: 抗癌

All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2005-11-20T16:59
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2005-11-21T03:52
塗消脹氣的藥膏 那時阿姨是去維康買給我弟的 一般藥局應該有
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2005-11-22T09:05
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2005-11-24T07:23


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2005-11-20T09:40
終於感覺到了難過的感覺,家人幫我準備了一堆食物,可是我只要聞到味道就覺得噁心。 我想害喜不過也只是這樣吧。 醫生說的一天一蛋、三魚三肉、1000ml牛奶、三青菜、三水果,我都沒做到。 我只要聞到牛肉的味道就想吐,第一天回家是看到一鍋清燉牛肉,昨天是一鍋紅燒牛肉。 我要怎麼說我不想吃啊。 手上的人工血 ...

Re: 放手,很難!

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2005-11-20T02:53
看到了這些家人的心情 我的心情也起伏很大 晚上剛剛從醫院看完外婆回來 今天決定了and#34;回家and#34; 實在很難接受這種事實 看到家裡準備好的and#34;東西and#34; 心中實在難掩悲傷 我也希望這個時候奇蹟可以出來 看到我媽媽照顧外婆的時候 真的很累 不是當事人可以了解的 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2005-11-19T16:45
因為家中有人得到了甲狀腺癌 醫生建議要全部切除 因為原本是甲狀腺結節 可是後來開了一邊後發現裡面有惡性腫瘤 醫生都建議切除另一邊 麻煩有沒有人可以跟我說一下 若切除了另一邊之後的治療程序中會有什麼狀況 因為醫生的解釋讓人聽了有點害怕 - ...

所謂的另類療法(alternative therpy)

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2005-11-18T17:46
各位版友大家好~ 其實在這個版看了很久了~ 版主在進版畫面有提到希望有些人能提供所謂的另類療法的資訊 之前一直在掙扎要不要在這裡PO文章~ 因為自己從事這樣的相關行業,很怕被誤認為要來這邊做生意 不過我想還是把我這半年來接觸這一個行業的一些心得跟資訊提出來分享~ 給大家另外一種的思考 如果版主覺得不妥,我會將 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2005-11-18T16:48
避開致癌9大因素 【編譯朱小明/綜合報導】 美國哈佛大學研究發現,「預防勝於治療」這句話對癌症來說再恰當不過,專家歸納出九 大致癌因素,只要避免這些危險,全球每年死於癌症的七百萬人可以減少三分之一以上。 哈佛公共衛生學院伊薩提博士發表的報告顯示,根據廣泛科學研究和政府報告,2001年全 球700萬人死於 ...