講不出話來 - 憂鬱症

By Harry
at 2022-07-07T19:54
at 2022-07-07T19:54
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不知道為什麼 只是偶爾這件事會發生
以前當翻譯有個好處是 講不出話來的那一天可以一整天只敲鍵盤不用講話
現在不行了 要面對老闆和病人 脫PPE錯誤還會被電
TOCC真的要很有同理心 病人狀況很多 遇到有人說我不識字不會寫病歷單 心給他揪了一下
看到他從口袋裡拿出要繳PCR的4千5心又揪了一下 這筆錢對他來說很可能得來不易
有些病人帶著塑膠袋來 裡面裝手機和隨身物品 那個塑膠袋看起來像垃圾袋 阿不真的是塑膠袋
The cram school agent did me a great favour. She helped transferred the economics course to the cloud so I can do it at home. I foundn out that I need to slow-burn the course as it was quite intensive and difficult. Now nearly all my available study time is allocated to economics.
Finally I get used to the pace and now do not expect to make a speedy progress. Math is not my thing. I could feel that other students are thinking the same thing. 2 months to go and I have not properly prepared!
然後我發現我真的停不下來看同人小說 雖然我應該要很忙 忙到爆炸
吃早餐看吃午餐看吃晚餐看收案的路上看等收案看 長篇作品都被我看得差不多了
但我還是沒有吃飽 然後我才發現我不會有吃飽的一天
Z ◢██◣
Z ◢█ˇ█ˋ◣
z ◥ˊ██◤
▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
以前當翻譯有個好處是 講不出話來的那一天可以一整天只敲鍵盤不用講話
現在不行了 要面對老闆和病人 脫PPE錯誤還會被電
TOCC真的要很有同理心 病人狀況很多 遇到有人說我不識字不會寫病歷單 心給他揪了一下
看到他從口袋裡拿出要繳PCR的4千5心又揪了一下 這筆錢對他來說很可能得來不易
有些病人帶著塑膠袋來 裡面裝手機和隨身物品 那個塑膠袋看起來像垃圾袋 阿不真的是塑膠袋
The cram school agent did me a great favour. She helped transferred the economics course to the cloud so I can do it at home. I foundn out that I need to slow-burn the course as it was quite intensive and difficult. Now nearly all my available study time is allocated to economics.
Finally I get used to the pace and now do not expect to make a speedy progress. Math is not my thing. I could feel that other students are thinking the same thing. 2 months to go and I have not properly prepared!
然後我發現我真的停不下來看同人小說 雖然我應該要很忙 忙到爆炸
吃早餐看吃午餐看吃晚餐看收案的路上看等收案看 長篇作品都被我看得差不多了
但我還是沒有吃飽 然後我才發現我不會有吃飽的一天
Z ◢██◣
Z ◢█ˇ█ˋ◣
z ◥ˊ██◤
▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
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