請問phrenic nerve conduction study - 醫療資訊,議題討論

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-11-30T22:45

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請問在一篇paper的內容提到phrenic nerve conduction study中
The active and reference surface Ag/AgCl disc electrodes
were used to record the phrenic nerve compound action
potential (CMAP) using the modified MACLEAN and MATTIONI
[12] technique. The active electrode was placed on the xiphoid
process, the reference electrode was placed on the ipsilateral
eighth intercostal space at the costocondral junction and the
ground electrode was placed on the sternum (Medelec, Oxford,
UK). The phrenic nerve was stimulated at a supramaximal
voltage by pressing deeply along the posterior margin of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the cricoid cartilage.
The supramaximal stimulus consisted of a single square pulse
(intensity 10 V; duration 0.5 ms). At regular intervals it was
ensured that stimulation voltage remained supramaximal. The
recorded signals were then rectified and electrically integrated.
The sampling rate was chosen as 20,000 samples?s-1. The
amplitude from the baseline to the negative peak, the duration
and the latency of CMAP were measured.

我主要想問的是為什麼要有active electrode, reference electrode,
ground electrode?他們的作用是什麼?而且為什麼內容中The phrenic nerve was stimulated at a supramaximal
voltage by pressing deeply along the posterior margin of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the cricoid cartilage



All Comments

有時打嗝打不停 該去醫院檢查嗎?

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-11-28T21:34
之前看新聞有人連續打嗝 結果是輕微中風 andgt;and#34;andlt; 我最近發現我也會隔2~3個禮拜 就會發生打隔的情況 而且都會打個10分鐘停不下來 這樣是不是該去醫院檢查呢? 檢查的話要掛哪科? 沒打嗝的時候檢查得出來嗎? 謝謝 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-11-27T19:22
我爸爸只要站著,就常常會頭暈,走路會晃. 到醫院去檢查都看不出是什麼問題. 有沒有人可以告訴我可以到哪裡去,做什麼樣的檢查呢? - ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-11-27T16:12
請問如果抽血檢查發現嗜酸性白血球過高, 應該如何調養身體呢? 平日可吃益生菌類的保健食品嗎? - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-11-24T22:01
其實我就是病人~XD 這幾天忙著期中考,考完就有喉嚨痛.流鼻水.肩膀酸痛的症狀, 我原本以為是一般的感冒,或者是流行性感冒。 今日赴耳鼻喉科就診, 醫生用指節敲了敲我的額骨(大概是眶上孔)以及大概是篩骨這兩個部位, 問會不會痛,我說有一點點痛 之後是喉部.鼻部.耳部檢查, 接著,他又摸摸我的鼻 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-11-24T21:44
最近有做伏地挺身的習慣 但上周某一次做完之後後腦勺突然很不舒服 之後每一次做都會有類似的不適感 那個感覺像是有東西塞在後腦勺 偶而會有規律的陣痛 但是過一段時間這樣的不適就會消失 想請問一下可能的原因是什麼?? - ...