規律鍛鍊‧平衡穩定 - 養生

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-10-16T09:43

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養生明師李鳳山師父語錄 轉載 自梅門季刊第51期








Qigong Balances Mind and Body

Modern society is characterized by a fast pace which keeps everyone
constantly busy. An ancient Chinese proverb says, “A little work helps you
live long and healthy. Too much work depletes your energy. No work at all
causes your body to stagnate.” Work and rest are two sides of the same
coin. To rest is to pause at the appropriate moment and to stop when the
work is done. A healthy person needs rest, not to mention a sick one.

When a person gets sick, there must be impurities in his body. If they are
not in his body, they are in his mind. These impurities form blockages that
impede internal circulation and tip the body out of balance. When qi and
blood meet a blockage, they take a detour, causing said person to slowly lose
control of himself. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to recuperate.
He gets further out of balance, and eventually becomes spiritless and,
finally, lifeless.

When you rest, rest; and when you move, move. Keep your mind simple when you
rest. How does one keep the mind simple? It is best to spend your rest time
on spiritual activities such as meditation or, reading books of wisdom.
These activities help stabilize your mind and inspire you with wisdom.
Enlightenment thus achieved also often results in miraculous recovery from
physical illnesses.

Rest is not stagnation. Rest is pausing long enough to find your internal
rhythm again. Good internal circulation is the first key to good health.
Practicing qigong improves internal circulation without causing physical
fatigue, and is therefore an ideal exercise for people of all ages. It
removes toxins from your body and strengthens your immune system. Daily
qigong practice builds up energy and even helps revive withered organs.

The energy of Nature manifests itself in two forms. One is rhythmic and
steady. It forms a self-feeding cycle that renews itself constantly. The
rotation of the Earth is an example of Nature’s steady rhythm, of a
self-renewing cycle. Energy is transmitted during the day and night, as
well as during the four seasons. The Earth’s seasons, rotations, and
weather are circulation on a grand scale. The other way the energy of Nature
manifests itself is in sudden, unpredictable ways. Arhythmic energy
engenders massive tremors and often descends upon us with great destructive
power such as, for instance, a tsunami. Paradoxically, such destruction also
contains within itself a renewing power that opens the door to rebirth.

Human beings live between heaven and Earth. When we learn to put ourselves
in a rhythm that vibrates at the same frequency as heaven and Earth, we
become one with the cosmos. Pingshuai produces vibrations that rehabilitate
our mind and body. Continue to practice this exercise every day, and after a
while your body will build up enough energy to harmonize conflicts already
existing in your body. This harmonization process will cause internal
tremors, which can be uncomfortable. This is a crucial transition stage.
You must continue to practice and allow the renewing power to bring
disharmonies into harmony. When the tremors end, you will find yourself with
a firmer internal rhythm.

Pingshuai starts from the outside and works towards the inside. It helps you
find harmony in rhythm. You will be able to handle things with equanimity
and treat people with impartiality. You will feel a true peacefulness in a
state of dynamic balance, and remain one with the eternal energy of the

Tags: 養生

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Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-10-15T18:47
我阿嬤有一大罐醃漬的瓜上面發黴了, 我勸我阿嬤不要吃, 但是她說問了賣的老闆跟鄰居都說沒關係, 白白的部分不要吃就好了, 還說鄰居吃了也沒事, 請問吃發黴的醃漬食物真的沒關係嗎? - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-10-15T13:09
我是之前在板上,詢問如果常進出廟宇是否需要戴口罩的人。我現在大多數時間, 進出廟宇都有戴口罩,唯有幾次忘記,就感覺被嗆傷。我想請問,如果是這種情況 ,口罩大概多久更換一次?我都是等到髒了才換,大概一個月,這樣好嗎? - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-10-15T11:03
請問台南要去哪買七葉膽茶包 不要大陸的 謝謝 - ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-10-15T03:15
副總統蕭萬長先生先前曾患肺腺癌,他透露,自己是平甩功的受益者,2年半前一場大 病之後,「很多人建議我做這種運動、吃那種偏方,最後選擇平甩功」。他「2年半沒中 斷」,「各位看到我,就知道有沒有幫助」 平甩功是李鳳山師父融會古今養生學,創立出的簡單易學的養生功法。無論老、弱、殘、 疾、幼,隨時隨地都可以練習。 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-10-15T00:29
徵求有婦女疾病,例如:私密處搔癢,有分泌物困擾女性, 我們提供短期一周~二周(依狀況而定)的免費口服健康食品益生菌(為國內大廠生產之產品) 做產品功效性測試評估 安全絕對無虞 有興趣參予研究者 請來信到站內信箱 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站 :批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 116.118.130 ...