肝臟腫瘤病理報告 - 抗癌

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2023-06-02T17:01

Table of Contents


Computed Tomography of Liver With and Without Enhancement Show:Techniques: From
lower chest to pubic edge in 5-mm contiguous section Contrast agent at 2ml/sec,
30 sec Scanning including the arterial phase and delayed phase are performed**Br
ief history: Sonography: One liver hypoechoic nodule, 5.19 cm at S3, nature? **N
o previous study on CGMH PACS for comparisonFindings: Plate atelectasis at left
lung base.No definite space occupying lesion in the liver, spleen, pancreas and
adrenal gland.A homogeneous enhancing, and isoattenuating to liver in the delay
phase, 4.6cm. DDx: Focal nodular hyperplasia, others. Suggest follow up or MRI w
ith Primovist.No definite biliary dilatation.Wall thickening of gallbladder neck
, suggest follow up.Patency of portal vein. No definite obstructive uropathy. Cy
stic lesion at 4.1cm and hypervascular lesions right adnexa, probably benign in
nature.Unremarkble appearance of appendix.Kindly note that subtle mucosal lesion
could not be well evaluated on routine CT. Focal collaspe at the visualized col
on; colonic annular lesion(s) can not be excluded by the examination.Mild ventra
l hernia with hernation sac comprise of mesenteric fat. No definite enlargement
of retroperitoneal LNs. No abnormal fluid collection in the abdomen. No definite
destructive bony lesion.Impression:1. A homogeneous enhancing, and isoattenuati
ng to liver in the delay phase, 4.6cm. DDx: Focal nodular hyperplasia, others. S
uggest follow up or MRI with Primovist.2. Cystic lesion at 4.1cm and hypervascul
ar lesions right adnexa, probably benign in nature.

Tags: 抗癌

All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2023-06-06T16:16
Iphone 截圖後可以翻譯。 貼一下不怎麼精確的翻譯:
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2023-06-10T15:30
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2023-06-14T14:44
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2023-06-11T20:21
DDx 是 Differential diagnosis的縮寫 ,意思是需要與某
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2023-06-15T19:36
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2023-06-11T20:21
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2023-06-15T19:36

甲狀腺報告是水泡 長庚醫生卻沒有說

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2023-06-02T16:16
大家好 我是之前問過母親的甲狀腺結節 第一次穿刺1.44cm 醫生報告寫非典型細胞(後面寫還不確定) 追蹤看看 第二次穿刺(三個月後) 1.44cm 報告上寫甚麼液體細胞 回診問長庚的醫師 問了三位長庚醫師 三位都說強烈建議開刀 還當場說不是很好 但都沒說的很詳細 就說開刀解決 不用提心吊膽 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2023-05-30T15:08
父親肝癌改用標靶(樂衛瑪)及免疫(吉舒達)治療1年多後,目前發現淋巴有轉移2顆約2公分腫瘤,醫生建議持續原本的標靶、免疫治療,淋巴部分用放射治療,想請教大家: 第一個問題是否樂衛瑪已有抗藥性才會轉移?是不是該換標靶、免疫藥? 第二個問題淋巴部分要使用真光刀?螺旋刀?鋭速刀?比較有效或有其他更有效的放射治療方法 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2023-05-29T14:50
家母(65y)月初腹部疼痛出血 在輔大進行刮除子宮內膜手術 術後良好 但今日報告得知子宮頸及內膜有癌細胞 開轉診台大單 醫生有寫三位 江盈澄 陳宇立 鄭文芳(6.15前休假) 板友們提及張文君醫師也不錯 想請教各位就診經驗 祝大家身體都能健康 謝謝 - ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2023-05-24T21:30
父親5/11入院後,因院內感染,導致最後肺部急速感染,並非癌症而離世。 5/22已跟佛祖去極樂世界。 因當時為了父親買了許多力增飲未洗腎配方(原味),目前還剩兩箱。 因爲為了確認有效期限,所以紙箱有拆封。 有效期限到2023/12/02 原先一箱購入約$2000。 現在一箱售$1600(只限三重住家自取) ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2023-05-22T13:29
售 速養療 敷醯胺酸 480g 3800元 280g 2000元 雙北可面交 - ...