精神科醫師請進 - 精神疾病

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-02-18T17:41

Table of Contents


In this two weeks our rehabilitation center in Kaohsiung were dead two
patients rapidly due to NMS,we blocked messages quickly in order to
prevention causing panic with others patients, but now the other three
patients appear uncomfortable phenomenon. One of three appear urinary
incontinence and we sent him to emergency room. Such events let us must to
asking if it happening in other cities?

These two dead patient had been using Clozapine and uncomfortable patients
using Resiperidone, according many of psychiatry papers indicated Clozapine、
Olanzapine and Resiperidone been classified as high-risk drug, especially
Clozapine and Olanzapine can be induced between the CYP 1A2、2D6 and 3A4
inhibitors. Recent these dead patient constantly thirsty and drink very much,
at two weeks ago one happened high blood glucose to 1700 and low blood
pressure then he fell into coma, however we sent to ER the residency still
been pronounced dead. After three days ago another ones only 18 years old
were appearing too low blood pressure and high blood glucose then we sent to
ER but also still dead,the residency said the dead reason were NMS while this
patient's psychiatrist denied. Now our staff fall into tense and requiring
all the patients whom using Clozapine、Olanzapine and Resiperidone return to
visits and asking their doctors if can change their drugs to other more safe

But another question was these drugs been changed from foreign imports to
Taiwan made in 2015,and their doctors asking if using feel uncomfortable?
At initial thay have no any unusual form but suddenly deterioration,and at
last led to dead. Now the third patients suspected appearing NMS and we keep
track of him. We ask at PTT if such events happened in other cities this
year?Whether the change drugs correlated with the National Health Insurance

Thanks for your attention!

nneekkoo : 如果很緊急 可去醫學生版跟醫療版問問! 02/18 23:00
Yoshikia : 謝版主,我是問各縣市有沒有類似現象? 02/18 23:12

※ 編輯: Yoshikia (, 02/19/2015 02:49:15
mango2014 : 精神科醫師:money money 02/19 07:31

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2015-02-23T04:32
如果很緊急 可去醫學生版跟醫療版問問!
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2015-02-24T05:46
Una avatar
By Una
at 2015-02-27T12:33
精神科醫師:money money


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-02-18T03:50
我自認為狀況真的比較特殊 有很多事情都沒有辦法讓家人甚至醫生知道 這樣去看精神科的話 醫生還會給予我什麼協助嗎 然後 我真的好累 生氣就開始傷害自己 傷害傢俱、家人 氣完大哭 哭到不能自己之後 開始懊悔 覺得快 精神分裂了.... 也好累要佯裝成一個正常人的樣子 我知道自己不是不正常 只是 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-02-18T00:20
這是前幾天看的一本玄幻小說 故事已經進展到重生異界的主角洪大力 進入了全息擬真的網路世界 - ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-02-17T22:07
咚咚咚咚,叭噗叭噗。 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-02-17T21:33
被認為在兒童遊戲區摸魚應付法 如何應付 兩個懷疑我的委員 洗地毯 應付阿姨和主任保全 回收室的冷氣是要回收還是暫放? 太累腦殘做了許多事 ※ 編輯: mango2014 (, 02/17/2015 22:22:20 → mango2014 : 準備隨時被資遣,我發飆了! ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-02-17T19:15
今天拜拜 拜拜完的供品擺在家裡整個超亂的 然後我還幫媽貼春聯 貼春聯要先把舊春聯撕掉 還要先搬開雜物 拿梯子 貼完媽又叫我煮菜 我先洗碗 洗著洗著想著家裡怎麼這麼亂 我當志願役士兵的崩潰點也是拿行李回家之後 家裡亂到不行 整個受不了 只能去適應 包容 只能去適應 了解 只能去適 ...