直接寫信給Linehan信箱 - 精神疾病

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-03-19T23:43

Table of Contents








Dear Angel,

Thank you for your email.

Behavioral Tech, LLC is a training organization who trains mental health care
providers and treatment teams that work with complex and severely disordered
populations to use compassionate, scientifically valid treatments and to
implement and evaluate these treatments in their practice setting.

Although we are not equipped to provide direct referrals to individual
therapists and we do not offer clinical services, we have a great resource on
our website called the Clinical Resource Directory (CRD), available here:
http://www.behavioraltech.org/resources/crd.cfm. The CRD is a compiled
listing (organized to be searched by state) of DBT teams who have been
Intensively-trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy by Behavioral Tech, and
have asked to be listed on our website for public contact. Please contact a
DBT provider near you for more information on treatment options.

The directory is not a comprehensive listing of all of the DBT providers out
there. Please review the resources below to find a DBT clinician team or
support group near you:

* Contact your local college or university's psychology or psychiatry
department and inquire about clinicians trained in either DBT or Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy. You can also get this information from your state mental
health board.
* Visit www.nami.org (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). Their
"Find Support" section will put you in contact with NAMI chapters in your
* Visit www.tara4bpd.org (Treatment and Research Advancements), an
advocacy group for BPD family members. We also suggest that you read their
"Guidelines for Choosing a DBT Therapist".
* Visit http://www.abct.org/ (Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies) and search the "Find a CBT Therapist"
* Visit www.neabpd.org (National Education Alliance for Borderline
Personality Disorder).
* Visit BPD Central website (http://bpdcentral.com/therapists/) and click
on "Find a Therapist"

Best wishes,



All Comments

精神康復之路小撇步 Tip 徵件比賽

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2015-03-19T00:55
中華民國康復之友聯盟 http://www.tamiroc.org.tw/news01-107.htm 2014思覺失調雖以正名成功,2015未來大家仍需繼續努力! 「通通不用吃藥」已經不是精神疾病康復的定義, 更名運動第二部-精神康復新定義: 藉由適當的藥物協助與復健,我們將可以與我們的精神症狀共處。 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2015-03-18T22:10
剛剛拿爸的手機去修理 店員好像看我嚼口香糖 穿個拖鞋 就打量我的衣服 當下感覺還好 回家之後 就開始怪怪的了 只要一被人瞧不起 我的心感覺就會被影響 好討厭 那感覺就像是餘光恐懼症的感覺 有強烈的預感是求學時期被公幹的後遺症 不知道怎麼醫治?? - ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-03-18T21:55
每次跟朋友見完面,就覺得空空的, 離開前,總是想要再延長久一點, 很想叫他們像跟心理師談話時一樣在開始前定個清楚明確的時間, 講電話也是, 問題講完捨不得掛, 擔心害怕心慌慌, 覺得掛了電話、道別了, 就再也看不到她了, 可是這麼多年過去了,明明他們一直都在, 怎麼還是建立不起來信任關係呢 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-03-18T21:14
用指責的方法萊做心理諮商或喜歡考病患的心理師 喵的 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-03-18T02:02
看很多篇後 我覺得我也好想叫心理師 媽 覺得自己好蠢喔 我媽又還沒死 不過想到她是一個三十幾歲的中年女子 她的心理師是比她小的女生 我就覺得那畫面真的很有趣 也覺得自己沒那麼白癡了 好羨慕父母是治療師的人喔 這樣長出來的應該會是個人格健全、身心健康的人吧 剛剛看心理師的照片 雖然 ...