病理切片報告 - 醫療資訊

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-06-15T23:43

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想請問各位,爸爸的病理切片報告內容,謝謝各位! 謝謝!

25003 Surgical pathology LevelIII *1件
25012 Immunohistochemical stains, eac *7件

Soft tissue, perirectal region, CT-guided biopsy, carcinoma, metastatic

The specimen submitted consists of three tissue fragments measuring up to
1x0.1x0.1cm. in size fixed in formalin.

Grossly, they are tan and elastic.
All for section. Jar 0

Microscopically, it show a picture of extensively tumor necrosis
with only a few viable malignant epitheloid tumor cells with pale
eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, prominent nucleoil, and hyperchromatic
study reveals CK8(positive), Hep-Parl(focal positive, 5-10%),
CK7(negative), CD10(trade), CD20(negative), RCC(negative), and
vimentin(postive). According to clinical information, the metastatic
carcinoma is suggested and the metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma is
suggested first.

1. Liver, right lobe, segments 5-6, segmentectomy, two locinon-encapsulated
grade 3-4/4 hepatocellular carcinoma (tumor up to 5.5cm in diameter)
composed of pleomorphic tumor cells arranged in predominantly
solid to focally sinusoidal trabecular growth patterns with patchy
sarcomatoid appearance, scattered bizarre giant tumor cells, multifocal
tumor necrosis, moderate mixed neutrophilic and lymphoplasmacytic
tumor-host reaction, three peritumoral satellite nodule formation near
smaller tumor, focal hepatic capsule invasion resulting in thickness and
fibrosis of surface capsule, focal intravascular tumor thrombus formation,
and no definite perineural invasiion identified.
2.Surgical margin, liver, right lobe, segment 5,6, segmentectomy, free of
tumor invasion (about 1.4cm. to the tumor).
3.Liver, tight lobe, segment 5,6, non-tumor part, segmentectomy, chronic
viral hepatitis B infection with scattered groundglass cytoplasmic change,
mild piecemeal necrosis, none lobular activity, mild to moderate
peri-portal inflammatory cells infiltration, numerious fibrous septa
formation with enlargement of portal tract, c/s histological activity
score=1/3 and fibrosing score=3/4 (according to the METAVIR system).
4.Gall bladder, cholecystectomy, cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis
with Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses formation, and free of tumor.
5.Lymph node, near cystic duct, lymphadenectomy, negative for malignancy (0/1).
6. pTNM: T3N0Mx, stage IIIA (AJCC).

25006 Frozen section *1件
25012 Immunohistochemical stains, eac*3件
Soft tissue, perirectal, frozen section and biopsy, consistent with
metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma
Forzen section show scattered atypical cells with hyperchromatic
nuclei and extensive necrosis, in favr of carcinoma.
The specimen submitted for frozen section consists of one tissue
fragment measuring 0.5x0.1x0.1 cm in size in fresh state.

Grossly, it is grey and soft
All for section. Jar.0
Fs:frozen section A: frozen control

Microscopically, it shows scattered atypical cells with
hyperchromatic nuclei and extensive necrosis. Immunohistochemical study
show CK8(+), Hep-parl(+) and RCC(-), consistent with metastatic
hepatocellular carcinoma.


All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-06-19T06:55
基本上就是說這是肝臟惡性腫瘤轉移而來的腫瘤 其他的字眼
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-06-22T14:30
大多是病理描述 臨床醫師也不一定看得懂
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-06-25T01:43

塑毒無所不在!隨行杯安全存疑 李俊璋 …

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-06-15T21:21
※ [本文轉錄自 regimen 看板 #1D-B6zT6 ] 作者: hallcom (清涼月光) 看板: regimen 標題: [新聞] 塑毒無所不在!隨行杯安全存疑 李俊璋呼籲:少用為宜! 時間: Wed Jun 15 21:20:59 2011 塑毒無所不在!隨行杯安全存疑 李俊璋呼籲:少用為宜 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-06-15T19:23
小弟在前年九月曾經因為a肝住院 但是其實小弟除了覺得自己臉特別黃以外沒有覺得什麼其他特別的病痛 但是在住院之前卻常常半夜起來拉肚子嘔吐 昨天學校的護士跟我說我的臉看起來有點黃黃的 他擔心我肝炎復發 昨天跟今天肚子都有點脹脹的 有時候會痛 不過也是那種脹脹的痛 可是我問我週遭的朋友還有我媽我姐他們都說 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-06-15T16:19
不知道板上是否有住在桃園的板友? 想請問一下,桃園這邊有沒有在洗腎這方面比較專業的醫院呢? 因為我爸最近要洗腎了 但是因為剛把爸爸從外縣市接回來照顧 所以現在需要在桃園這邊找一間可以固定去洗腎的醫院~ 剛剛有先稍微上網查了一下 有一家在大興西路上的維格聯合診所,他們有專門的洗腎中心說 看他們官網的介紹,感覺 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-06-15T11:10
※ 引述《liptonbin (wind)》之銘言: : 請問一下 : 我長期左眼600度 右眼200度 : 左右眼閃光約200左右 : 平常看書或是聽課看黑板 因為視差過大 : 可能過20分就會頭昏/頭暈 想要睡覺 也使得考試容易比別人差 : 所以想請問有沒有什麼改善方法 : 若是作雷射 讓兩眼都變1.0左 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-06-14T23:23
請問常失眠是心理問題還是生理 每次失眠過後上班都特別無力 服用安眠藥會比較好嗎 - ...