熱過敏 & 膽鹼能性蕁麻疹 - 過敏

By Tom
at 2023-04-22T21:09
at 2023-04-22T21:09
Table of Contents
熱過敏 & 膽鹼能性蕁麻疹 (cholinergic urticaria)
這篇算是我自己治療的日記, 提供給相同的病友參考
從國中就曾經發生過,經過20年, 大概只發生過5次
2021/3: 可能是工作因素, 蕁麻疹開始大爆發, 只要有壓力或遇熱食物吃到辛辣調
就會渾身刺痛和癢 (每天都會發作全身上下頭皮都像是針在刺)
若直接去運動就會全身爆發佈滿小紅點, 有些病友是直接靠運動解決
但在疫情期間, 也無法外出運動
2021/4~2021/11: 停喝咖啡,開始用中西醫合併治療, 吃中藥和每天一顆驅異樂. 和吃樂亦康益生菌
治療8個月, 結果對我無效
夏天期間戶外只要超過28度根本無法出門走在路上, 只要體溫一上身立刻發作
2021/12~2022/3: 取消中醫治療, 加強西醫治療改成 早晚各一顆艾來睡前驅異樂. 沒有
2022/3: 搜尋國外文獻和資料發現omega 3 可能有幫助
Hi, I have/had Cholinergic Urticaria also. I’d like to share what seems to
be working well for me and hopefully someone else can try it and see if it
works for them as well.
first off : Me…..I’m a white, fair skinned, 25 year old male who started
getting symptoms suddenly 2 years ago…no change in diet, no known allergies,
no meds, high but typical stress levels, in pretty good physical shape.
Within a month I went from normal to grinding my teeth in pain after having
to make a sudden stop in traffic, or getting in a hot car, or attempting to
work out.
What worked: fish oil pills, more specifically, the omega 3 fatty acids EPA
and DHA…. I just took what it said on the bottle (a little more at first I
think). It helped a lot after about 2 weeks. After a few months I stopped
with the pills but would go back on them for a month if I felt things
starting up again, since at that point it would come back if I stopped for a
few weeks. As of now, I haven’t taken a pill in 6 months and am symptom free
90% of the time, and when I do feel something, its just a little very short
lived very mild itching with nothing visible happening on the skin.
So yeah, not an instant perfect miracle cure, but it is easy to get, cheap,
healthy, and you’ll know in a month if it is going to have an effect or not,
so it might be worth a shot.
seems worth a shot to me so i bought some fish oil pills
i will of course be logging my results in my ‘experiment’ post located in
this same category on this forum
2022/4: 減量西醫用藥, 並開始吃魚油, 先從好市多便宜的魚油開始吃起, 我選擇了萊萃
美吃了一個月後, 發作頻率似乎有減少但效果不大
參考了兩篇ptt 文章
[心得] 魚油品牌該挑哪個? 小分析請進
2022/5 月 看到這篇文章
[問題] 熱過敏 甲亢 自體免疫
才想到是否魚油吸收問題? 或是劑量不夠
直接購買板友推薦的澳佳寶, 我是直接選三倍魚油
2022/6月開始執行只吃魚油, 少量喝咖啡
以前一天一杯, 現在不喝...除非當天非常睏
2023/1 只吃魚油並戒除大量咖啡因持續半年. 有明顯改善且都沒有發作
2023/4 蕁麻疹症狀已完全消失
目前改吃California Gold Nutrition, 歐米伽 800 醫級魚油
All Comments

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