斷層掃瞄報告翻譯 - 醫療資訊
By William
at 2017-07-13T23:31
at 2017-07-13T23:31
Table of Contents
第一次 電腦斷層造影
CT scan examination of the brain without contrast enhancement shows:
Findings: > In favor of mild subarachnoid hemorrhage on the left parietal
region. > Presence of multifocal old infarct on the left fronto-temporal
lobe. > There is right frontal and left parietal subdural effusion. >
Diffuse brain atrophy.
第二次 電腦斷層造影
CT scan examination of the brain without contrast enhancement shows:
Findings: > Presence of encephalomalacia on the left fronto-temporal lobe. >
Presence of soft tissue hematoma on the right frontal region. > In favor of
mild bilateral subdural hemorrhage. > Diffuse brain atrophy.
第一次 電腦斷層造影
CT scan examination of the brain without contrast enhancement shows:
Findings: > In favor of mild subarachnoid hemorrhage on the left parietal
region. > Presence of multifocal old infarct on the left fronto-temporal
lobe. > There is right frontal and left parietal subdural effusion. >
Diffuse brain atrophy.
第二次 電腦斷層造影
CT scan examination of the brain without contrast enhancement shows:
Findings: > Presence of encephalomalacia on the left fronto-temporal lobe. >
Presence of soft tissue hematoma on the right frontal region. > In favor of
mild bilateral subdural hemorrhage. > Diffuse brain atrophy.
All Comments
By Kristin
at 2017-07-16T19:36
at 2017-07-16T19:36
By Hazel
at 2017-07-19T10:27
at 2017-07-19T10:27
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