新藥 PF00299804(PF299)的新聞,看不太懂,有人好心翻一下嗎? - 抗癌

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-05-16T15:49

Table of Contents





Lung Cancer - Metastatic

2010 ASCO Annual Meeting

Session Type and Session Title:
General Poster Session, Lung Cancer - Metastatic

Abstract No:

J Clin Oncol 28:15s, 2010 (suppl; abstr 7599)

K. Park, D. S. Heo, B. Cho, D. Kim, M. Ahn, S. Lee, R. D. Millham, A.
Campbell, H. Zhang, J. Kim; Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University
School of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea; Seoul National University Hospital,
Seoul, South Korea; Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University Health System,
Seoul, South Korea; Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea; Pfizer,
Korea, Seoul, South Korea; Pfizer, Inc., New London, CT; Pfizer Research and
Development Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China; Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei
University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea


Background: PF299 is an oral, irreversible, small molecule inhibitor of the
human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)-1, -2, and -4 tyrosine kinases.
Trials in Western pts identified a recommended phase II dose (RP2D) of PF299
45 mg once daily (QD) and reported antitumor activity in NSCLC. We present a
P1/2, multicenter, open-label study of Korean pts with KRAS wild-type NSCLC
(adenocarcinoma histology) refractory to platinum-based CT and E or G.
Methods: In the P1 dose-finding study portion, 12 pts received PF299,
starting with 30 mg QD, to identify the RP2D and evaluate safety. Following
P1, pts were enrolled in a Fleming single-stage P2 study and received the
PF299 RP2D, 45 mg QD. Endpoints included progression-free survival rate at 4
months (PFS4m; primary), overall survival rate at 6 months (OS6m), objective
response rate (ORR), safety, pharmacodynamic (PD) biomarkers (HER-1/-2
extracellular domain), serum and tumor KRAS and HER-1 genetic analyses, and
patient-reported outcomes (PROs) measured by EORTC QLQ-C30/LC13. Results: In
P2, 30 pts of 42 planned have enrolled to date, of whom 87% had received

Tags: 抗癌

All Comments


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-05-15T22:42
大家好 由於家父生病最近在做化療 已經到一個階段 挺順利的 但由於心臟跟肺有積水 所以去看了中醫 然後醫生開了個藥給家父吃說是可以抗癌 還可以增加抵抗力的 但是健保沒有給付 所以自費很貴 由於家父很怕被坑錢以及是否真的有無療效 要我上網找找看 但我真的找不到相關的資訊 不曉得網上有沒有版 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-05-15T15:29
去年9月因上體育課時發現腳麻麻不能動 去做胸腔及腳部攝影沒發現異狀 經過一星期後,去腦部三十切電腦段成攝影 沒發現異狀,但腳麻麻扔在 經過一星期後,醫生人很好 排定作脊椎攝影 沒發現異狀,但腳麻麻扔在 經過一星期後,醫生人很好 排定作脊椎MRI 結果發現在脊椎2~3節有一顆半公分的影子 醫生根據外影判定良性居 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-05-15T15:13
其實是非常重要的 常聽人家說保險沒用 我的感覺是平常沒用,要用時會嫌太少 寶個醫療險及防癌顯示非常重要的 沒用到當作功德 用到自認倒楣 不然到時家人 會跟著拖累 能利用自己的能力去給付 到時才不會要求家人幫助 一年如果花個三萬到四萬保險 我倒覺得還可以 最少要保醫療住院及防癌 如果能力夠的話,保個看護及 實支 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-05-14T16:48
大家好~想請大家幫我介紹一下台北有無較推薦的看腫瘤醫生 3年前脖子有淋巴結以及左手臂脂肪瘤,當時是給林口長庚陳一豪醫生看診 當時是說因為腫瘤大小都很小,所以先別擔心,如果會痛或是變大再複診 ==== 半年前發覺右後腹部有腫瘤產生,當時是至汐止國泰看診,當時做了斷層掃描也看 不出問題點 現在脖子的淋巴結 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-05-13T00:04
看到最近同事生病了,還住院開刀 傳到大家的耳理真是庭難過 看著一些同事因癌症一一跟上帝喝cofee 我們有著無力感 最近中部一家大型醫院 來我們單位說明健康檢查的重要 我跟同事討論後,覺得還是定期健檢重要 其他事情沒有健康來的重要 錢再賺就有 生命就著 一次 珍惜她愛護她 - ...