揭開上帝終極底牌-癌症自愈源於心臟 - 抗癌

By Skylar Davis
at 2010-05-20T14:24
at 2010-05-20T14:24
Table of Contents
※ 引述《usagirl (5月照樣滑雪)》之銘言:
: 收到朋友轉寄的文章
: http://www.hantang.com/chinese/ch_Articles/god.htm
: 我對這篇文章半信半疑
: 所以自己做了點研究
: 發現衛斯理教授確有其人 http://www.veselymd.com/about.htm
: 但是他並非文章中所稱的今年48歲, 而是67歲
: 他所發現的三,四種心臟分泌出來的賀爾蒙也確有其事
我稍微看了一下 上pubmed搜尋這位教授的文章
可以搜尋到總共38篇學術論文, 其中還有八篇是review paper
大致看了一下, 全都是所謂的ANP(某種心臟酵素)與一些器官功能之間相關性的研究
可見這些都是同一位David Lynn Vesely
這位是MD, PhD, 因此他確實有醫師的身份
但要注意的是, 這位醫師研究的心血, 雖說觸角廣泛
Curr Pharm Des. 2010;16(9):1159-66.
Metabolic targets of cardiac hormones' therapeutic anti-cancer effects.
Vesely DL.
Departments of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, and Cardiac
Hormone Center, James A. Haley Veterans Medical Center and University of
South Florida Health Sciences Center, Tampa, Florida 33612, USA.
[email protected]
The heart is a sophisticated endocrine gland synthesizing a family of peptide
hormones by three different genes. These cardiac hormones are stored as 3
prohormones, i.e. atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP) and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) prohormones. Within the ANP
prohormones are 4 peptide hormones, i.e. atrial natriuretic peptide, vessel
dilator, kaliuretic peptide and long-acting natriuretic peptide (LANP) which
decrease up to 97% of human pancreatic, breast, colon, prostate, kidney and
ovarian carcinomas as well as small-cell and squamous cell lung cancer cells
within 24 hours in cell culture. In vivo these 4 cardiac hormones eliminate
up to 80% of human pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 2/3rds of human breast
cancers, and up to 86% of human small-cell lung cancers in athymic mice.
Their anticancer mechanism(s) target the Ras-MEK 1/2-ERK 1/2 kinase cascade
in cancer cells. These 4 cardiac hormones inhibit up to 95% of the basal
activity of Ras, 98% of the phosphorylation of MEK 1/2 and 97% of the
activation of basal activity of ERK 1/2. They also completely block the
activity of mitogens such as epidermal growth factor's ability to stimulate
ERK. They do not inhibit the activity of ERK in healthy cells such as human
fibroblasts. The final step in their anticancer mechanism of action is that
they enter the nucleus as demonstrated by immunfluorescence to inhibit DNA
synthesis within cancer cells.
看到了嘛? 目前這些研究成果都還只是在老鼠甚至只有細胞實驗
從動物實驗要進入真正人體試驗, 還有很長一段路要走
此外, 要知道, 他發現的這幾種激素都是正常人體身上就有的
這是在二十世紀早就知道的事情, 完全不是新發現
但要怎麼將正常人體既有的機轉拿來對抗腫瘤, 而且是針對性的對抗腫瘤
這也可以解釋為什麼Dr. Vesely早在十年前就在細胞上做出差異
卻花了十年還在老鼠模型, 可見中間還有很大一段努力
因此目前這類的治療效果 可能還要更多證據才能證實
: 收到朋友轉寄的文章
: http://www.hantang.com/chinese/ch_Articles/god.htm
: 我對這篇文章半信半疑
: 所以自己做了點研究
: 發現衛斯理教授確有其人 http://www.veselymd.com/about.htm
: 但是他並非文章中所稱的今年48歲, 而是67歲
: 他所發現的三,四種心臟分泌出來的賀爾蒙也確有其事
我稍微看了一下 上pubmed搜尋這位教授的文章
可以搜尋到總共38篇學術論文, 其中還有八篇是review paper
大致看了一下, 全都是所謂的ANP(某種心臟酵素)與一些器官功能之間相關性的研究
可見這些都是同一位David Lynn Vesely
這位是MD, PhD, 因此他確實有醫師的身份
但要注意的是, 這位醫師研究的心血, 雖說觸角廣泛
Curr Pharm Des. 2010;16(9):1159-66.
Metabolic targets of cardiac hormones' therapeutic anti-cancer effects.
Vesely DL.
Departments of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, and Cardiac
Hormone Center, James A. Haley Veterans Medical Center and University of
South Florida Health Sciences Center, Tampa, Florida 33612, USA.
[email protected]
The heart is a sophisticated endocrine gland synthesizing a family of peptide
hormones by three different genes. These cardiac hormones are stored as 3
prohormones, i.e. atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP) and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) prohormones. Within the ANP
prohormones are 4 peptide hormones, i.e. atrial natriuretic peptide, vessel
dilator, kaliuretic peptide and long-acting natriuretic peptide (LANP) which
decrease up to 97% of human pancreatic, breast, colon, prostate, kidney and
ovarian carcinomas as well as small-cell and squamous cell lung cancer cells
within 24 hours in cell culture. In vivo these 4 cardiac hormones eliminate
up to 80% of human pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 2/3rds of human breast
cancers, and up to 86% of human small-cell lung cancers in athymic mice.
Their anticancer mechanism(s) target the Ras-MEK 1/2-ERK 1/2 kinase cascade
in cancer cells. These 4 cardiac hormones inhibit up to 95% of the basal
activity of Ras, 98% of the phosphorylation of MEK 1/2 and 97% of the
activation of basal activity of ERK 1/2. They also completely block the
activity of mitogens such as epidermal growth factor's ability to stimulate
ERK. They do not inhibit the activity of ERK in healthy cells such as human
fibroblasts. The final step in their anticancer mechanism of action is that
they enter the nucleus as demonstrated by immunfluorescence to inhibit DNA
synthesis within cancer cells.
看到了嘛? 目前這些研究成果都還只是在老鼠甚至只有細胞實驗
從動物實驗要進入真正人體試驗, 還有很長一段路要走
此外, 要知道, 他發現的這幾種激素都是正常人體身上就有的
這是在二十世紀早就知道的事情, 完全不是新發現
但要怎麼將正常人體既有的機轉拿來對抗腫瘤, 而且是針對性的對抗腫瘤
這也可以解釋為什麼Dr. Vesely早在十年前就在細胞上做出差異
卻花了十年還在老鼠模型, 可見中間還有很大一段努力
因此目前這類的治療效果 可能還要更多證據才能證實
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