愛丁堡的天氣 - 憂鬱症

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-12-08T08:57

Table of Contents

The weather was plenty fickle last summer I was there. I had worn shorts, cardigans, and a large heavy looking hoodie all in the same day.

Was positively freezing one afternoon when sudden black clouds came onto the scene and I literally fled into the nearest tourist shop.

The old shopkeeper looked up and smiled. "Terrible weather eh?" As I murmured assent in reply, she said briskly, " Well as we say in Edinburgh, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute!"

And indeed after five minutes the city was its sunny self again.

I've come to realize that I could never be " cured" from this so called disease, it's an element in me that will come to stay. One minute I thought I am my jolly self again, next minute my eyes would turn hollow as if my soul is sucked out by the dementors.

Like the ever-changing weather Edinburgh, I have no control over my inner rain or shine.




All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-12-12T10:47
哎呀 心裡面本來就不是那麼好控制的 他們是很任性的
Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-12-12T16:36
雨天過去後的晴天 有彩虹 更美 加油哦
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-12-16T14:38
You realize something important. Good for you.
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-12-19T10:10
我也希望能學會接受天氣的無常 :)

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-12-04T22:45
今天翹掉了原本該去幫忙的攝影工作 我終於回家一趟 可以好好待在溫暖的家裡 已經好久沒有回家了... 果然 只有and#34;家and#34;才是最溫暖最舒服的地方 可以和心愛的貓女兒一起舒服的睡到自然醒 起床還有阿嬤準備的愛心午餐 下午媽媽又帶我去買了一件保暖的外套 真的好貴桑桑 但媽媽 ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-12-04T09:56
症狀最嚴重的時候一直躺著,睡不著時我不敢看這個版,或者是任何讓我意識到當下破爛的自我的事物。狀況不好時我只敢躲在永遠不會發生壞事的電視劇和小說裡,別人的故事裡,無我的世界之中. 經期的來臨讓整個人像坐在自由落體上極高和極低之間瞬間切換,眼神空洞深不見底和神采奕奕之間只有五分鐘的距離。發病時我沒有朋友。我的世 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-12-03T02:54
今天真的好冷好冷 只想在被窩裡一動也不動 但是...好像無法這樣做 所以我認命了 系上舉辦的國際研討會終於結束了 應該要非常開心 但卻也開心不起來 應該要美麗的假日 確一點也不美麗 迎接我的是另外一場的國際研討會 雖然只有早上 確一點也不想去 不去又不行 很羨慕心臟很大顆的那種 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-12-02T00:02
真是太感謝麥當勞和漢堡王了 竟然推出了這麼棒的美式漢堡 想一想台中前前後後也開了不少家美式漢堡店 但那些店沒有一家是我吃得起的 現在終於可以在速食店吃得到我買得起的美式漢堡了! -- 如果世界上真的有魔鏡的話 我不奢望祂告訴我說 我是全世界最美的女人 但我希望祂告訴我 全世界最美的女人長什麼樣子 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-11-29T17:19
昨天晚上室友請我吃喜餅, 還特地指定我一定要吃最大片的, 才會早點結婚。 室友們嘰嘰喳喳討論終身大事, 我說我的人生計劃是二十五歲那年結婚, 然後在三十歲以前生完三個小孩。 「你要二十五歲就結婚的話, 可以不只生三個, 可以生五個,組一支足球隊。」 (我在足球社) 整個寢室聊得很熱烈, ...