怕有些人搞不清楚 我可以體諒啦 - 過敏

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2007-09-12T11:46

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※ 引述《newiligama ( 番)》之銘言:
: 這幾篇文章有講到正統自然醫學大學
: 跟野雞大學的差別
: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dr-jameschen/article?mid=3659&prev=3767&next=3194&l=f&fid=8
: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dr-jameschen/article?mid=3728&prev=3731&next=3727&l=f&fid=22
: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dr-jameschen/article?mid=3731&prev=3707&next=3728&l=f&fid=22
: 對此有疑問的看看吧




The leading naturopathy school, Bastyr University, in Seattle, Washington,
was founded in 1978. Besides its N.D. program, Bastyr offers a B.S. degree
program in Natural Health Sciences with majors in nutrition and Oriental
medicine; a B.S. program in psychology; B.S. and M.A. programs in applied
behavioral sciences; M.S. programs in nutrition and acupuncture/oriental
medicine; and a certificate in midwifery. Bastyr has also provided
health-food retailers and their employees with home-study programs that
promote "natural" approaches for the gamut of disease. Students in the
naturopathic degree program are required to take three courses in homeopathy
and can elect to take three more. The Southwest College of Naturopathic
Medicine and Health Sciences in Scottsdale, Arizona, was founded in 1992. The
University of Bridgeport College of Natural Medicine in Bridgeport,
Connecticut, began classes in 1997. Naturopathy schools receive much of their
financial support from companies that market dietary supplements, homeopathic
products, and/or herbal remedies.

Tags: 過敏

All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2007-09-14T07:39

怕有些人搞不清楚 我可以體諒啦

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-09-10T18:09
這幾篇文章有講到正統自然醫學大學 跟野雞大學的差別 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dr-jameschen/article?mid=3659andamp;prev=3767andamp;next=3194andamp;l=fandamp;fid=8 http://tw.myblog. ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-09-10T17:49
※ 引述《newtom (林老師)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《newiligama ( 番)》之銘言: : : http://www.thirdnature.com.tw/edm_01/DrChenEdm_01.htm : : http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!CLrB2eSYERrI ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-09-10T15:37
今天跟一個老師閒聊 她發現我一直打噴嚏外加流鼻水 她就問我是不是鼻子不好? 厲害!!應該也是過來人~茶 她說鼻子也不太好,有人就推薦她吃蜂膠粉 她說吃了一陣子有改善 她還建議我要注意寢具的選擇,還有家中不要舖地毯 板上有人也在吃蜂膠粉嗎?可以分享一下心得嗎 - ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2007-09-10T13:49
這兩天我的臉頰上突然出現紅紅的一片, 不會癢但是會熱熱的, 請問是過敏嗎? 還有去看醫生要去大醫院還是一般的皮膚科就好? 麻煩大家幫我解答 andlt;(_ _)andgt; 都開學了才發生這種事, 現在看到的人都會問 QQ 想趕快把它醫好。 -- 記錄自己的悲歡喜樂 http://www.wretc ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-09-10T13:33
※ 引述《crazypluto (Lazypluto)》之銘言: : 我曬太陽也會過敏 : 而且嚴重到早上曬中午就開始癢 : 超級難受 : 以前完全都不會這樣 不知道哪時候開始體質就改變了 : 所以現在一定要擦防曬 而且時間一長就要補擦 : 而且要撐傘穿外套 (對,就是這麼誇張,手腳都是,只有臉不會!) ...