干擾素和抗癌劑組合治療白血病有望獲得 … - 抗癌

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-06-25T09:43

Table of Contents


Nature Medicine 15, 696 - 700 (2009)
Published online: 31 May 2009 | doi:10.1038/nm.1973

Interferon regulatory factor-2 protects quiescent hematopoietic stem cells
from type I interferon–dependent exhaustion

Taku Sato1,2, Nobuyuki Onai1,2, Hiroki Yoshihara3, Fumio Arai3, Toshio Suda3
& Toshiaki Ohteki1,2,4


Type I interferons (IFNs), a family of cytokines, orchestrate numerous
biological and cellular processes1, 2, 3. Although it is well known that type
I IFNs are essential for establishing the host antiviral state4, their role
in hematopoietic homeostasis has not been studied. Here we show that type I
IFNs induce proliferation and exhaustion in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
and that interferon regulatory factor-2 (IRF2), a transcriptional suppressor
of type I IFN signaling5, 6, preserves the self-renewal and multilineage
differentiation capacity of HSCs. HSCs were substantially less abundant in
the bone marrow of Irf2-/- as compared to Irf2+/- mice. Irf2-/- HSCs showed
enhanced cell cycling status and failed to produce hematopoietic cells in
competitive repopulation assays, and the reconstituting capacity of Irf2-/-
HSCs was restored by disabling type I IFN signaling in these cells. In
wild-type mice, injection of poly(I:C), an inducer of type I IFN signaling,
or IFN-alpha induced HSC proliferation, and chronic type I IFN signaling
further reduced the number of quiescent HSCs. Notably, combined poly(I:C) and
5-fluorouracil (5-FU) treatment allowed exogenous HSC engraftment and
hematopoietic reconstitution in WT mice. Our findings provide insight into
the molecular basis for the maintenance of HSC quiescence and may lead to
improvements in bone marrow transplantation and type I IFN–based therapies
for viral infection and cancer.

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1967.6.2 -- 1999.9.16 Ex-USS DD-521 Kimberly 成軍三十二年除役

Tags: 抗癌

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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-06-24T23:21
我的爸爸上週去天國旅行。(癌末) 想請大家給意見。在去戶政所辦除籍前,那些事宜先辦完? (死亡證明已開立) 爸爸銀行帳戶,信用卡,水電代繳等,不用說要處理好過戶及終結。 還有那些類似撫卹金(給付)得申請的?(現才知可用最高勞保保額之家人去申請金錢) 請大家告知讓我知還有什麼得申請的。 再請教,若有 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-06-24T11:42
不好意思再次打擾各位 之前在PO文的時候沒有確定贈送的獎品 目前已經確定為贈送4G隨身碟 也請還未填寫問卷的病友或親友踴躍前往填寫 因為問卷數目還非常的不足 也歡迎大家多多將此消息傳出,謝謝各位 之前承蒙各位的幫助,讓焦點團體訪談(就是之前有位po文的抗癌同學會)順利結束 目前正與老師進行國科會的研究計畫及論 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-06-24T07:31
癌症患者常常遭受劇烈疼痛折磨,而現有的藥物常常不能有效鎮痛。德國研究人員日前報告說找到了癌症產生疼痛的原因,有望幫助患者緩解疼痛。 德國海德堡大學藥理學研究所16日發表新聞公報說,研究人員在檢查實驗鼠身上腫瘤釋放哪些信息物質時,發現了兩种特殊的分子。通過電極檢測,發現病變的組織以周圍的神經細胞與這些分子接觸 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-06-24T07:16
日本的一個研究小組在新一期《自然醫學》雜誌網絡版上報告說,干擾素能控制作爲血細胞源頭的造血干細胞的作用,組合使用干擾素和抗癌劑或許能夠創造出一種效果好而且副作用小的白血病治療方法。 干擾素是一種廣譜抗病毒劑,這種物質主要通過細胞表面受體作用使細胞產生抗病毒蛋白,從而抑制病毒複製。目前,干擾素常被用於治療肝 ...

爾必得舒 健保新給付規定

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-06-23T23:05
http://tinyurl.com/nzroo6 用於頭頸部癌症有新的給付規範了 即將於七月一日開始實施 這是近三十年來 首次有頭頸部癌症標靶藥物於健保中給付 雖然規範有點嚴格 - ...