單側耳鳴 - 鼻咽癌

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-03-18T14:49

Table of Contents





SOURCE: J. of Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Jun;37(3):362-5.

TITLE: Early recognition of nasopharyngeal cancer in adults with only
otitis media with effusion.


AUTHOR: Ho KY, Lee KW, Chai CY, Kuo WR, Wang HM, Chien CY.

Department of Otolaryngology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, and
Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine,
Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

OBJECTIVE: To assess the probability of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) being
present among adults who appeared to suffer only from otitis media with
effusion (OME). DESIGN AND SETTING: The clinical features of 87 adults
suffering from OME but who demonstrated no other apparent symptoms and signs
suggestive of NPC at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kaohsiung Medical
University Hospital, between January 2003 and December 2004, were analyzed. A
routine nasopharyngeal biopsy was performed. RESULTS: Five patients revealed
NPCs (four nonkeratinizing carcinomas and one squamous cell carcinoma). OME
was deemed to have resulted from upper respiratory infection in 20 patients
(23.0%), chronic paranasal sinusitis in 15 patients (17.3%), allergic
rhinitis in 16 patients (18.4%), NPC in 5 patients (5.7%), various other
known etiologies in 11 patients (12.6%), and unknown etiologies in 20
patients (23.0%). The incidence of NPC among adults suffering from OME but
featuring no other symptoms and signs suggestive of NPC was 5.7% (5 of 87
patients). Such a figure appeared to be greater than that in some other
reports because NPC tends to feature a greater prevalence in Taiwan.
Therefore, biopsy of the postnasal space for adults who appear to feature
only OME when NPC is strongly suspected is necessary for the early diagnosis
of NPC. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that Taiwanese adults with only OME, the
cause of which is unclear, should be subjected to an appropriate medical
examination and biopsy of the nasopharynx to exclude NPC.










All Comments


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-03-15T15:55
我母親十年前得NPC,放射治療後無大礙, 五年前NPC recurrence,使用5-FU及cisplatin治療後暫無大礙。 從一年多以前,他開始出現耳鳴的症狀, 講話講到一半會突然聽到and#34;poand#34;一聲,然後開始耳鳴。 為了舒服一點,我媽媽會把彎腰,等一陣子耳鳴會不見。 每天他也會用n ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-03-07T18:01
※ 引述《Makotoyen (Mr.皮諾丘 麻摳抖)》之銘言: : 目前家父因鼻咽癌的關係,覺得後續的治療很累很辛苦, : 今天早上告訴家母說,有點沒有活下去的意志了,然後 : 就在房間難過、哭泣。 人在面對病痛時,本來就會很虛弱。而且癌症治療的療程真的是會讓身體很不舒服。 在台灣大家很習慣連續劇老是拿癌症 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-03-07T15:05
目前家父因鼻咽癌的關係,覺得後續的治療很累很辛苦, 今天早上告訴家母說,有點沒有活下去的意志了,然後 就在房間難過、哭泣。 但實際上家父的開刀狀況算是良好,遇到的問題也都有 陸續去解決去排除,走一步算一步,十一月初開刀到現在 也在家裡恢復。 這幾個星期的狀況,他覺得走沒幾步就會累,不想繼續走, 坐著時候也 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-03-02T18:33
大約半年前左耳會有咻咻的耳鳴聲 本來不以為意(因為不影響日常生活) 後來看雜誌單側耳鳴好像不太妙,就去掛市立醫院的耳鼻喉 第一個醫生說是耳蝸的問題,給我開了好像會讓血流順的藥 但吃了之後整個頭發漲兼頭痛,很害怕就停了 ->結果耳鳴更大聲 第二次掛同醫院另一個醫生,說耳壓有點問題,可能是鼻咽出問題 開了去痰 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-02-28T11:57
回想了一下自己過去的成長過程,發現會得到癌症似乎是有跡可循的 根據一般統計鼻咽癌患病的因素,並依據影響自己的可能性整理如下: (從一顆星影響性低至五顆星影響性高) 1.吸煙★★★★★ 從國二就開始當煙蟲了,一直到退伍才戒菸,煙齡約有十年 2.飲食★★★★★ 喜歡吃鹹的,醃製類的香腸、培根...等, ...