分享感人的詩 - 喪葬

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2004-05-09T06:43

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My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
With tiny lights like Heaven's stars reflecting the snow.
The sight is so spectacular- please wipe away the tear
For I'm spending Christmas with Jesus this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
But the sound of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here
I have no words to tell you the joys their voices bring
For it's beyond description to hear the angels sing

I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away, we really aren't apart.
So be happy for me dear ones you know I hold you dear
And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift for my heavenly home above,
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.
After all love is a gift more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessing of love he has for each of you.
So have a merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year

Tags: 喪葬

All Comments

Re: 靈堂的輓聯

John avatar
By John
at 2004-05-08T21:06
※ 引述《paupau0782 (老娘是開車天才!!!!)》之銘言: : 好像沒有人提到靈堂的輓聯的放置方法 : 我稍微提一下 : 有錯請指正 : 布掛式的跟花圈或花籃都一樣 : 就要依送來的人的身分來擺放 : 身 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2004-05-07T19:09
※ 引述《motnaph (阿莫你好。)》之銘言: 剛好有收藏起來 :) 編譯陳世欽/美聯社瑞典斯德哥爾摩十日電 部分瑞典人對火葬可能造成的環境汙染感到憂心,一家瑞典公司最近積極研究冰葬的 技術。 瑞典的普洛梅沙AB有機公司表示,他們開發的新技術將取代現有以高溫焚化遺體的 方法,改以 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2004-05-07T16:31
嗯 我想請問一下 我記得前一陣子(好一陣子了)有一則新聞 是不知道那一國的科學家 發明一種 先用冰凍 再用超音波(?)將屍體震碎的方式 把屍體化成骨灰的方式 不過這種方式好像還在研發 不是已經在用的方法 不知道有沒有人注意到這個新聞? 或是我可以怎麼找這則新聞出來呢? (雖然我當初是看網路的新聞 ...

Re: 我外公...往生....

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2004-05-06T21:33
有一天嬸嬸帶著我們去夜市 結果回來我看到很多外人在幫我阿公穿and#34;壽衣and#34; 在門口燒紙轎 那一幕真的讓我很震驚 也不敢相信一切是真的 那年我才五年級 -------------------------- 阿公是得癌症 全身水腫 在過世前三個月的某天因為在田裡摔倒就再也沒站起 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2004-05-03T23:33
※ 引述《sallykoi (理莎.葵子)》之銘言: : 我不知道欸, : 因為我沒撿過骨, : 沒辦法體會那種感受, : 不過聽說如果骨頭上的肉沒有完全腐化的話, : 需要用刀割下來, 聽說第一下要由子孫咬下來....隔著金紙咬的樣子...atat~ 以前經過公墓的小丘 有時候會看到沾著血跡的金紙 那時候不 ...