Weekly Judgment Day - 憂鬱症

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2021-11-02T07:49

Table of Contents

I'm already drowning in schoolwork, I really don't feel like entertaining her
nit-picking, it's like trying to swat this very annoying mosquito and failing
each and every time:

There are so many things wrong about me that they can find, and she talks
non-stop which is irritating, and only wants to push her agenda onto me.

To be fair, I've stopped sharing what really happens in my life because she ca
use all evidence against me, so that leaves the FaceTime conversation more lik
a one-sided soliloquy.

I feel very attacked and overwhelmed when she's going full speed ahead with he



Some of her tangents are indeed valid advice, I can't change the distateful wa
she delivers information, but I can change how I act.

Now I have to take time off my actual homework and start processing these
feelings, ugh, what an undersirable thing to spend my time on.


All Comments

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2021-11-06T21:30


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2021-11-01T23:23
11月的第一天 微涼的季節 美麗的季節 溫柔又浪漫的季節 我出生的季節 但我心情卻很悲涼 我感覺自己的人生已經到了末路了 2021年的最後兩個月 今年很快就要結束了 我真的有點捨不得 我要練習著跟一切告別 - ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2021-11-01T22:31
妹妹再度因為母親情緒性的話語自殘 傷口很深 我知道她會自己處理 不會特地去醫院包紮 父母親中間的愛恨情仇 我們揹了大半輩子 父親從當年暴躁易怒常為小事就痛打我們的男人 成了半失智,起身都會伸手要我扶他的八十多歲老杯杯 清醒時會說自己是大混蛋 有這麼好的女兒 當年到底在做什麼 父親的這些話讓我想笑。。。 他變成 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2021-11-01T21:48
我發現我喜歡自由度高的工作 卻有一點害怕冒險 有一整天的空白 我卻不知加什麼行程 也無法即興自由發揮 只有上了一早的網球課 其他時間都在想我要怎麼賺錢啊 但想這種問題只換來更多焦慮沒有解答 人真的需要有人引導 需要有人理 需要有有共鳴的人在身邊 一定是秋天 一定是經期 才讓我這樣子 ---- Sent ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2021-11-01T20:04
Currently playing: 88rising feat Bibi- The Weekend Currently reading: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck https://i.imgur.com/VFqdIlw.jpg 根據上個月紀錄 鬱期19天 等 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2021-11-01T15:20
大家好 可能我男朋友聽累了我整天嚷嚷著想自殺,跟我說可以來這個版發文。這是我第一次發文,如有任何不恰當的地方,請指正,謝謝。 我11月中就要24歲了,因為休學太多次,現在還在唸大學二年級。每個月領到父母轉的生活費都是一陣悲哀,在我這個年紀,應該是我匯錢給他們才對。我曾經是個很認真努力的人,得到的效果也不錯 ...