TPE - 憂鬱症

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2022-07-15T19:18

Table of Contents

A colleague grabbed a chance to have chit chat with me after others were gone. She kept talking about 'when I was working in TPE...' and then I just realised that she fancied big-city life. It means she doesn't like KHH that much. Also, the comparison between the two implies that she thinks people living in KHH are a bit less civic. I have no idea why some people like big city life. At least I don't. I like things to be simple and rural. Later I found myself speaking nonesense and after thinking about
it, I decided not to have a deep talk like that with her next time as I am not goot at organising thoughts while talking with her. I do not know if what she said was true. I had worked in the north before (although not in TPE) and I did find out some differences after I went back to KHH. However, the differences I found were more pleasant. I like people here being nice. People living in the north tend to put up their face and stick to the rules. Another thing I feel uncomfortable with her is that she
seems to see her colleagues (including me) as less civic people. She didnt say that but I feel this way.


I finally found another great Titan fanfic. This time it is alternate universe and I like it because the author captures the characters' personalities pretty well. This time there are not so many new words and I feel it a bit less chanllenging. I found out that now I cannot live without fanfic, Titan fanfic especially. I tried HP but then switched back to Titan.

What if I finish this current fanfic?


I found a better way to do my study. I memorise the sentences before hand wiriting them down. It solidifies my memory but I think I will redo it next year as I am not familiar with all the content yet. However, at the same time I leanrt how to predict the exam questions. Thanks to our Economy teacher. He's brilliant and he's one year younger than me.

Making my brain doing something calms me down.


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All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2022-07-13T16:24
Can you tell me the title of the Titan doc and whic
h platform is it on? I love myself a good fanfic!
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2022-07-17T01:42
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2022-07-13T16:24
非常好看 (認真)
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2022-07-17T01:42


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2022-07-15T11:47
狀況不是很穩 看婦科 醫生說我是多囊性卵巢 我也不知道該不該治療 以後也不想生小孩 一直吃西藥也不是很好(吧? 亂買東西 結果跟家人說 果不其然被唸了 我道歉了 我覺得我根本不應該在這個世界 我只會一直花錢沒有進帳 吞了一些藥 明知道沒辦法離開 可能就 回到以前吧 - ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2022-07-15T04:46
好友試著用Abe的事開導 (and#34;人生如此無常 所以不要太糾結and#34;) 他無法理解 反而正是像這樣的事 世界的不美好人的虛偽惡劣醜陋 才讓我覺得人生的難以承擔 對人世貢獻努力 最後卻因為這麼荒謬沒有任何價值意義的惡意離開世界 讓人感到憤怒又無力。 .... 夢見過去的事重演 看來童 ...

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2022-07-14T21:47
我把生命還給你們 兩不相欠 人生最難過是 我終於理解自己真的是廢物 沒有資格說任何人 更難過是 發現規則 理解現實 但已經來不及 - ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2022-07-14T19:19
喝360ml 然後有勇氣打回家 跟媽說 你能接受你女兒有病嗎 秒掛電話 哈哈哈哈 他們只要有依賴的人就好 有病喔 不能接受 掛電話 所以 父母是啥 就是你長大成人後 最沈重的負擔 - ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2022-07-14T15:52
Hihi 大家有沒有發現我最近很閒 常出現XD 因為我待業,開始找工作 但是 我投的都不鳥我 桑心 人生還可以有什麼時候那麼清閒呢 我想在台北找間咖啡廳(應該是厭世會社,我懶得在再想了) 大家出來閒聊、尬聊一下 不要怕,大家一起躺平。出來見面的版友不用太擔心自己都不講話怎辦,大家一起沈默也 ...