Sutent藥物第三期肝癌治療試驗失敗 - 抗癌

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-04-24T11:20

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UPDATE 2-Pfizer liver cancer trial halted on safety concern
Thu, Apr 22 2010
* Sutent trial stopped due to serious adverse events

* Still being tested against other cancers (Updates to simplify last paragraph)

NEW YORK, April 22 (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc <PFE.N> said on Thursday it has discontinued a late stage liver cancer study of its drug Sutent because of high incidence of serious adverse events suffered by patients taking the medicine.

Following a review by the independent Data Monitoring Committee the trial was halted over safety issues, Pfizer said.

Sutent is already approved to treat advanced kidney cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumors following disease progression and had worldwide sales of $964 million in 2009.

Pfizer is testing Sutent against a wide range of cancers in hopes of significantly expanding sales of the drug.

The liver cancer failure represents the latest in a long list of clinical setbacks for the world's largest drugmaker, including a Sutent failure in a late stage advanced breast cancer study announced last month.

The company has been widely criticized by analysts for its inability to deliver products based on its own research despite the industry's largest research and development budget.

The company last year acquired Wyeth for $67 billion in large part to gain that company's promising portfolio of drugs in development.

The halted open label trial tested Sutent against Nexavar, a liver cancer drug sold by Bayer AG <BAYGn.DE> and Onyx Pharmaceuticals Inc <ONXX.O>.

Safety monitors found higher incidence of serious side effects in patients taking Sutent, known chemically as sunitinib, compared with those who received Nexavar.

Sutent also failed to demonstrate that it was either superior or non-inferior to Nexavar in extending the survival of liver cancer patients, the company said.

"The disappointing outcome of this trial challenges all of us to work harder to understand the complex biology of this disease," Mace Rothenberg, head of clinical development for Pfizer's oncology unit, said in a statement.

Pfizer is still testing the drug against non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer and for kidney cancer following surgery. (Reporting by Bill Berkrot; editing by Carol Bishopric)

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-04-23T22:35
今天有跟人拿了速養療 回家後拆開來看 發現粉末顏色 比較偏黃或杏色 (到期日 3月2011年) 跟正在吃的第一罐 (到期日 10月2011年) 粉末呈現亮白色 差滿多的! 詢問賣家 他說當初自己吃的時候 就是偏黃的顏色了 所以也沒有去詢問幫忙代購回來的親戚 是否有問題 剛估狗了一些粉末顏色疑問 ...

[分享 一定要撐下去

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-04-23T15:53
今年年後,大家的心情都跌到谷底! 99年2月初媽媽的右臉頰發現不明的硬塊,家人的心都非常的驚慌,因此很快的在2月16日前往大林慈濟就醫,在醫師的建議下,在3月2日做了電腦斷層掃描,也隨即看了震撼的報告!醫師告訴我:『媽媽在右臉頰有一個大約6公分的腫塊』。還好醫生說在臉頰的腫瘤有百分之90是良性,因此我 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-04-23T15:51
※ 引述《selfhsuan (悠)》之銘言: : 你好 我是癌症病友 現在正在接受化療 : 我記得我接受化療初期 家人很擔心 總是說我不能吃什麼 不能做什麼 : 當時我覺得好痛苦 我都已經接受這麼辛苦的治療 想吃什麼 還得顧慮東顧慮西 : 而且化療真的會改變食欲 每次化療完 想吃的東西都不同 : 也會像您家 ...

黃疸指數19 這代表?

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-04-22T11:11
我第一次發文如有冒犯 請告知一下也請多多包涵 先簡短說明一下 我是單親家庭 獨自扶養我的媽媽在去年五月檢查得知罹患結腸癌 並且轉移到肝 已經治療快一年了 醫生前一個月就說明了 要做好心理準備 他會盡量幫忙撐到六月 因為我媽有勞退 今天住院醫生還偷偷問我媽媽的勞退是到六月幾號 然而今天醫生巡房說到黃疸原本指數 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-04-22T00:12
※ 引述《a608115 (煩死人了)》之銘言: : 我媽媽被診斷肝癌第3期 : 目前正在接受電療中 : 但是他的腹部腫的很大 : 去抽腹水也沒有腹水 : 請問有人知道這是什麼情形嗎 : 有什麼辦法可以讓他痛苦減輕 : 看他這樣我好痛苦。 我爸之前也是肝癌三期,後來又移轉肺部 在後來...肚子因為肝腫瘤也是 ...