Sun downing - 憂鬱症

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2022-06-28T19:40

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A man had told me before that his grandpa's condition (memory loss) would get worse and that was called 'sundowning.'

My condition always gets worse when I wake up in the morning. I have my 'sun downing' too.

Every time I wake up to this world, I feel I have come back from limbo. I feel lifeless and do not want to go to work. I need to drag my feet to the office while I feel suicidal every single fucking morning.

Today it got worse. I bought two eggs and when eating them I was thinking if my mood was getting better if I had some food. Then during lunch time I got a cup of green tea. I was thinking what my happy food was and then thought of green tea (although someone told me green tea was not food.)

I was thinking if I would feel better if I had my 'happy food.' Ah in the end I had a full bladder. I did feel better afterwards but I was not sure if it was due to work or the tea.

My colleagues thanked me for giving them the teaching slides of how to retrieve papers when sci-hub was not working. I felt being appreciated and felt good about it.

On the way back home, I was thinking this fucking ungrateful world just did not appreciate our efforts of living.

Every clinically depressed person said they need to spend lots of efforts to just simply live. I am one of them. I just feel it is so tiring to live.

I dare not write all these words on my facebook so I am here. Just venting off a bit.


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×Girafe aime rêver×


All Comments


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2022-06-28T17:52
沒有小孩 沒有朋友 大家到底可以幹嘛 女生和女生不結婚的話 這年紀像是對手 比著誰比較吸引男人 可能只是我心眼小 一直以來沒接觸什麼年紀相仿的異性 到底可以幹嘛? - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2022-06-28T11:42
等算圖的時候自動播放 “還諸天地再不能放下的也放下了” 聽到淚崩。 我從來都不是不願意原諒的人 因為根本不在乎的不值得不原諒 在乎的 不原諒自己不好受 但直到這一刻我才明白 可能對他這輩子我都無法原諒。 - ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2022-06-28T08:49
知道自己求助多次 但一直未做到 請問個位大大 能否介紹信義,大安,中正或萬華區的諮商師 感覺得出來我再不去諮商 會失去現在所有努力之後的正常生活 非常感謝大家 ※ 編輯: addrying ( 臺灣), 06/28/2022 12:49:54 推 badshrimp: 華人心諮網 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2022-06-28T05:08
我只想死 生活是如此疲憊 時間是如此之快 是否生存大於生活的品質 是否還有追求夢想的意義 疲憊 痛苦 我在掙扎 我在逃脫 我嘗試 我放棄 在這個無底洞 我卻陷的更深 - ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2022-06-28T04:08
1.計畫起托斯卡尼之旅,加兩個周末應該可以出門九天。這周再去總圖借旅遊書吧! 2.今天涼涼的,冷氣吹彿之下非常想睡,連忙喝杯三合一咖啡醒醒腦。還有兩個小時 才下班,是slow day,主管也剛好不在,眼睛快閉上了。 3.看到教育部的獎學金真是非常心動,不過等我這一年都確認能正常運作再說好了。 4.剛做好 ...