Something ain't right.(雷) - 憂鬱症

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2022-07-06T00:10

Table of Contents

I still have to kill this cocksucker first ,

then I can get my own real rest in peace ,

before my burnt corpse became an artifact or a crap.

As a Scorpio , I'm born to revenge and also die for revenging.

That way make sense to me , to my concious and to what's in my mind now.


Dear _.

As I decided to kill this MDFKer ,

how you feel is no longer in my consideration.

Just like what you're doing and what you've done to me.

I must kill this MDFKer , it's just a simple buyback.

You are a businessperson , aren't you?

So I'm doing it in your way ,

let us bring this business back on the trail.

I owe you a life , now I'm returning the favor to you.

Business is business.

You've gave me a non-negotiable option ,

and I , am planning to offer you a same one.

Remember , things happened , always for a reason.


Well , and speaking about you , cocksucker?

Better watch your back , oftenly , of course.

So I can take a clear shot to put a bullet in your head

or give your rib , neck , throat and brain some quick stabs.


All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2022-07-06T03:39
writing to her is exactly the proof that how the
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2022-07-06T07:07
person feel IS in your consideration. or you wouldn't
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2022-07-06T10:36
be writing it. don't give the person the satisfaction
if you're thinking about revenge. that's the opposite
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2022-07-06T14:04
manipulators enjoy the feeling of that you're under
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2022-07-06T17:33
their control without the need to lift one finger for
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2022-07-06T21:02
you. and they can brag to others as their achievement
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2022-07-07T00:30
pretending to complain about it.
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2022-07-07T03:59
*enjoy the feeling that you're under their control
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2022-07-07T07:28
Revenge is not giving what they want.
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-07-07T10:56
that's still a form of manipulation that they'd do
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2022-07-07T14:25
such a meaningless thing. The best revenge is to not
give them the satisfaction of being able to bring you
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2022-07-07T17:53
or anyone that they tried to do so by involving you
*bring you down
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2022-07-07T21:22
live your life as best as you could, even just to
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2022-07-07T19:47
enjoy the sun, or a drink or a cigarette. it means
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2022-07-07T23:16
more to you than those people.
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-07-07T19:47
that's the best revenge.


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2022-07-05T14:26
霆雷公tân-luî-kong 是閃電打雷的意思 我覺得我發作很像閃電打雷一樣 很快 破壞力(憂鬱/躁)很強 ---- Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 11 - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2022-07-05T11:53
有點抗拒 不想學很懶 要早起練車 下班後又要趕去練車 好麻煩 但終於可以學開車了 算是解鎖技能吧 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2022-07-05T10:59
好難過自己因為種種的事情而被確認是憂鬱症時,被說「我就搞不懂你們這些年輕人為什麼 要把自己弄成是神經病勒?前一陣子憂鬱症很紅啊!你們就為了跟風啊!太好了!你看,哪 個公司要一個神經病?」 雖然很難過,但是我還是很感謝當時的我有去看醫生、有好好吃藥控制,不然現在他們大概 只能擲筊問我好不好了。 ---- Se ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2022-07-05T03:52
承接上一篇文章 前公司其實是一個環境很好的公司 所以我真的真的很希望可以回去 收到不錄取通知的當下 我真的很想被車撞一撞 去死一死好了 但是後來還是保持著理智騎回家 回家還躲在棉被裡哭了好久好久 謝謝一個朋友願意陪我聊這個情緒 現在有點了解這個情緒的意思 希望我能趕快放下一切 -- ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2022-07-05T03:46
因為沒了工作 前公司的主管說最近有一個缺 問我要不要回去工作 昨天回去面試 今天卻收到不錄取通知 唉 面試的主管就是那個通知我的主管 但是最後還是狠心把我刷掉了 我以為被通知就是一定上的意思 打電話回去問主管 主管說他們錄取另一個能力比我好的 還跟我說要好好加油 所以接下來 ...