should I engage in office politics - 憂鬱症

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2016-02-27T00:58

Table of Contents

I like observing, but I hate being in the middle of it.
To me a job is finding something interesting in the daily chores, and also get
ting monetary compensation.

However, if I get preoccupied with office politics the fun factor goes out of
the window. And navigating it doesn't excite me like a chess game; rather, it
frustrates me very much.

Perhaps I should keep these interactions to a bare necessity, and focus on thi
ngs that make me happy, because whether I win the game or not, it will make me
want to throw the entire career away.

I don't have the makings of a conqueror, winning power struggles doesn't make
me high. I'm a little designer on the sideline who'd rather observe and test m
y theory to make up a system for kings to use.


All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2016-03-02T21:49
If I were you, I would stay away from troubles.
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-03-07T04:33
推樓上。if you are born for that you wouldn't have
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-03-10T16:25
the struggle.


Una avatar
By Una
at 2016-02-24T02:00
脫離魯蛇簡稱脫魯 XDDD 終於開始工作了 整整失業9個月,這些日子讓我有好多掙扎,最後選擇順心 討厭做美編、做設計,作品集也完全不想做,那就不要做吧! 正在苦惱如何轉行時,有貴人介紹了工作 巧的是我五年前應徵過的藝廊 那次應徵上沒去,緣分果然是很厲害啊 藝廊氣氛很好,老闆夫妻都是有修為的長輩 整天沈浸 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2016-02-23T22:34
我從有ㄧ天開始聽到疑似有滑鼠聲就開始覺得自己會是聽到幻聽 之後就查好多有關精神分裂的資訊 越看越像 搞的自己壓力好大 一直很怕哪一天真的會出現幻聽 還有ㄧ些奇怪感覺 明明知道沒人跟我 但就會有點怕 聽了太多別人症狀就一直幻想自己是不是也是這樣 搞的自己好累.... 也會亂想說壓力太大會不會最後真的得 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-02-23T00:55
如題 每次我跟家裡說要去看醫生或拿藥 爸媽總是說:你又沒生病吃那幹嘛 不要亂吃藥之類的 即使看過我發病時的慘況 也不願承認我就是有需要藥物介入治療的憂鬱症 寧願帶我去寺廟收驚喝符水 版友們的父母也有這樣的嗎 - ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-02-22T17:15
突然**剉**起來捏~~ 只是上網訂個飼料,不知道在抖個甚麼勁Orz 說來 這只是一件小貓事 上禮拜已經和固定的賣家洽詢 可是到今天都沒有回應 眼看著貓貓的處方飼料一天天 快到底了 所以今天一定得換別的賣家 就這樣而已 \(╯-╰)/ 其實前兩天 已有個小問題盤旋 怕下好單 要 ~~『 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-02-22T01:38
※ 引述《corolla (麻痺掉...)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《summersnow18 (林小茶)》之銘言: : : 唉 : : 我其實是在問白癡的問題 : : 我只是想找一顆抗躁又不會有增加體重或是增加食慾這兩個副作用的藥 : 我吃invega....1.5mg 可以抗躁 但是我體重有增加 : 最 ...