Omegaverse - 憂鬱症

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2022-07-04T19:57

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is just so wrong to me. I have no idea why someone would come up with the idea of males getting pregnant. I checked up the anatomy on Google image and felt it was just so wrong. Then I just realised that why gay porn is appealing to me is because of the idea that two males attract each other because of their souls, not biological differences. He Chose Titans still is the best Eruri fanfic I have read so far. Meaka was great but her omegaverse just made me feel so, so lost. After finishing He Chose Titan
(twice) and Meaka's works, I suddenly felt so lost. I know I should be busy with my study but I just need something as an addiction. Now I do not know what to do (although I have so many works to do).

Now what?

I am not sure if eventually I would accept omegaverse just because I am bored.


Z ◢██◣
Z ◢█ˇˋ
z ˊ██◤

×Girafe aime rêver×


All Comments


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2022-07-04T19:48
因為循環週期, 今天除了上午去快篩跟下午收案正常表現外, 其他時間脾氣非常暴躁。 有個穿防護背心的男生過來問住院快篩去哪裡做, 我跟他講地方和採檢時間, 結果關門看見矯正署帶人來快篩的時間區間寫在密密麻麻的時間表裡。 我跟他說12點才能去, 因為過來問住院的, 學姊都說12才能過去, 沒想到矯正署是11點過 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2022-07-04T18:47
想到前幾年在民宿被fire 很驚險的從十幾人中脫穎而出 今天也是很驚險 我還說自己英文很好 不爛透了啊啊啊啊 四方人馬線上面試 好可怕 驚驚 謝謝不管是誰讓我有工作 謝謝 雖然我應該謝我自己 但還是無法確定自己真的很努力 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


William avatar
By William
at 2022-07-04T14:09
到新環境的不適應 工作量的不合理 同事的各種壓搾機車 面對著陌生的辦公桌及週遭 每天上班變成一種煎熬 甚至前單位同事還暗酸嘲諷 已經吃安眠藥跟抗憂鬱的藥快兩個月了 看不到未來在哪... 喜歡的事物現在都提不起勁 連耍廢都做不到 連帶的影響到家人的日常生活 好對不起他們 但我真的好痛苦.. ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-07-04T12:09
工作是緣分 會不會上不代表你夠不夠好 只是你剛好不是他們想要的 能有機會面試 已經是擠破幾道門了 從唸書起 到實習 再到證照考試 你已經很好了 你是他們邀請去面試的 雖然也有那種說什麼要邀請你擔任管理職 結果卻備取的那種:| 加油!!! ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhon ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2022-07-04T10:00
某一年我終於能面對我的黑歷史 寫信給以前的主管 他說知道我現在好就很好了 (某一天在百貨公司的健身房遇見 (但我聽音樂沒注意到他們在跟我講話 (我一直覺得好像有人在看我 (但在更衣室就是吹頭髮放鬆 (後來我會意過來 (追上去的時候 (主管已經消失 我相信我現在還能被家鄉的公司約面試 完全是因為黑歷史未爆開 ...