NPD 媽媽 - 憂鬱症

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2023-06-25T02:37

Table of Contents

“Reframe your idea of helicoptering being the opposite of neglectful. Helicoptering by narcissistic parents is neglect.

What your parent does when helicoptering and being overbearing is NOT being preoccupied with you - it's being preoccupied with THEIR needs being met through your actions. You're just an object of fulfilment to their needs. They let you believe they're being "parenting" and "caring" because 1) that's yet another source of narcissistic supply for their ego and 2) so that they can fool you into trusting them (so that they'll obtain their supply). Double-win for them.

Parents who are junkies and parents who are narcs are both addicted and NOT caring to their children, because their addiction comes first. In the case of junkies, that addiction is quite simply drugs. In the case of narcissists, the addiction is your performance. In BOTH cases, they don't give a hoot about your actual needs, only insofar as it affects their fix. In the case of the narcissist, however, it's a different dynamic because you're an immediate possible source for their fix.”
Sent from JPTT on my iPad


All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2023-06-23T08:30
exactly. so true for any narcissist.
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2023-06-27T19:25


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2023-06-24T15:34
有一種人喜歡看別人生氣 別人越氣他越開心 你已經說不要了 聽不懂還繼續戳繼續說 我父母就是這種類型 我真的會超氣 氣氣氣 故意的 或是不當一回事的嘲笑 好多父母會故意惹小孩生氣 然後看小孩的反應在那邊嘲笑 他們根本不在乎自己小孩的感受 然後再說幹嘛生氣 有什麼好氣的 這是霸凌好嗎? 有夠機八 生氣就輸了 落 ...

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2023-06-24T15:07
滑到只能喝酒的圖書館 被短片擊打心臟 「看要去的地方,不看那個彎」 今天又無法出門換車票 沒有能量出門 嗚嗚 夢到幫別人口快篩 可怕 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2023-06-24T13:42
醒來我好生氣喔這個夢 我們家要移民到美國 把什麼狗丟在台灣也不要了 老弱殘 然後什麼東西都不帶也不整理 再過幾天家裡就要把房子賣了 有一筆錢可以拿在我父親那裡 我問了我媽那到底為什麼這麼要移民 她說是我爸爸得到一個奇怪看起來不牢靠的宗親會給的機會 我發現只是他想要趕走一切 把房子賣了把房子賣了想要錢 又來了啊 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2023-06-24T04:23
台灣人不道歉的 也許不懂道歉文化的重要性 或是社會的集體慣性 我看過一集台日情侶ytper 關於說道歉之間的差異 提到日本人不管怎樣都會先說抱歉 然後再解釋為什麼 對於台灣人為什麼都不說道歉很受不了 台灣人會習慣先解釋原因再說 死都不先說道歉 很容易讓日本人覺得在找藉口 然後更令對方火大 有可能覺得自己沒錯 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2023-06-24T03:12
午後的大雨,嘩啦嘩啦的籠罩著整個城市,從玻璃窗向外望去,到處都像是被白色的水霧 包住了一般。 困境,算不算是一種困境呢?大部分的時候我都為這樣險險的安然度過趕到慶幸,有時候 又不得不承認我依然在這個巨大的困境中,掙扎著浮出水面,又被水流向下啦,每次的浮 沉都只是新的一輪掙扎,試著找出某種突破困境的方法,又 ...