Mushroom Compound Suppresses Prostate Tumors - 抗癌

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-05-27T10:51

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Mushroom Compound Suppresses Prostate Tumors

ScienceDaily (May 24, 2011) — A mushroom used in Asia for its medicinal
benefits has been found to be 100 per cent effective in suppressing prostate
tumour development in mice during early trials, new Queensland University of
Technology (QUT) research shows.

The compound, polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which is extracted from the 'turkey
tail' mushroom, was found to target prostate cancer stem cells and suppress
tumour formation in mice, according to an article written by senior research
fellow Dr Patrick Ling in the online journal PLoS ONE, published by the
Public Library of Science.

Dr Ling, from the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre-Queensland and
Institute for Biomedical Health & Innovation (IHBI) at QUT, said the results
could be an important step towards fighting a disease that kills 3,000
Australian men a year.

"The findings are quite significant," Dr Ling said.

"What we wanted to demonstrate was whether that compound could stop the
development of prostate tumours in the first place.

"In the past, other inhibitors tested in research trials have been shown to
be up to 70 per cent effective, but we're seeing 100 per cent of this tumour
prevented from developing with PSP.

"Importantly, we did not see any side effects from the treatment."
Dr Ling said conventional therapies were only effective in targeting certain
cancer cells, not cancer stem cells, which initiated cancer and caused the
disease to progress.

During the research trial, which was done in collaboration with The
University of Hong Kong and Provital Pty Ltd, transgenic mice that developed
prostate tumours were fed PSP for 20 weeks.

Dr Ling said no tumours were found in any of the mice fed PSP, whereas mice
not given the treatment developed prostate tumours. He said the research
suggested that PSP treatment could completely inhibit prostate tumour

"Our findings support that PSP may be a potent preventative agent against
prostate cancer, possibly through targeting of the prostate cancer stem cell
population," he said.

He said PSP had been previously shown to possess anti-cancer properties, and
'turkey tail' mushrooms (known as Coriolus versicolor or Yun-zhi) had been
widely used in Asia for medicinal benefits.

However, Dr Ling said it was the first time it had been demonstrated that PSP
had anti-cancer stem cell effects.
Although 'turkey tail' mushrooms had valuable health properties, Dr Ling said
it would not be possible to get the same benefit his research showed from
simply eating them.

A fundraiser has been organised in September to support further tests for the
therapeutic potential of PSP against prostate tumours either alone or in
combination with other anti-cancer compounds.


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