dead to me - 憂鬱症

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2020-10-20T01:21

Table of Contents

Dead To Me

It's like I woke up from nightmare
It's like I woke up from nightmare
It's like I woke up from nightmare
Because I finally got away from you
And I ain't ever going back there
If its the last thing I ever do
But now it's R.I.P
Because its over and your dead to me
You just a memory
That I can break
But I can't shake, the ghost that you left behind here
R-I-P you dead to me
Riddle me this
When is it you decided to turn into a b*tch
We used to be lower than down
Anybody that knew us would admit
Then you suddenly switched
(Yeah you suddenly switched)
In all of my years, I never seen someone corrupted so quick
Lately I'm feelin like I'm being haunted by all of these
Demons that i got inside of me
Deep in my arteries
Don't even know the reason or pathology
F*ck it it I feel like I'm ready to blow up, I'm ready to blow up
And call it irak
(Call it irak)
You can have all my sh*t, if it means that I see you
I don't want it back
It's like I woke up from nightmare
Because I finally got away from you
And I ain't ever going back there
It been the last thing I ever do
Like f*ck that
But now it's R-I-P
Because it's over and your dead to me
You just a memory
That I can break
But I can't shake, the ghost that you left behind here
But now its R-I-P
Because it's over and your dead to me
You just a memory
That I can break
But I can't shake, the ghost that you left behind here
R.I.P you dead to me
I'm in the deep end, I think I'm sinking
And I've been suffocating, struggling just to breathe in
I feel like i been tryna get away forever now
I'm just tryna runaway and go wherever now
Cause I don't hear you
You in my rear view
Catch the exhaust up out my vehicle
I feel like I've been waitin' for this day forever now
And that wherever you may be I hope you're never found





All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2020-10-22T21:04


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2020-10-20T00:48
或許因為天氣、或許因為其他沒發現的原因 這個月過得很糟 失眠 低潮 無可救藥的寂寞氾濫 一上班就恐慌發作 啊…天涼好個秋。 每天每天都是空洞的肉體。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A750GN. - ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2020-10-19T21:56
酣樂欣因為半衰期超短,戒斷時極端容易出現反彈性失眠 我還是酣樂欣跟贊安諾交互吃的重度焦慮患者 問題來了:版友有戒斷酣樂欣(三挫侖)或贊安諾(阿普挫侖)經驗的 可以指點我當初戒斷酣樂欣或贊安諾是硬戒嗎? 還是醫生會開半衰期超長的(EG:FM2)輔助讓你戒? 硬戒的話失眠會持續多久? 我昨天強行 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2020-10-19T15:59
換了醫生也換藥 覺得是有睡的比較沉,但是起床後, 完全感受不到精神百倍的感覺,反而昏昏沉沉, 不論前一晚多早睡都一樣。 還好還在讀書,學校可以請假, 但以後工作怎麼辦,真的很擔心...... ----- Sent from JPTT on my HUAWEI INE-LX2. - ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2020-10-19T15:17
我承認我自己的不對 我在寫我的郵件地址忘記了 把包裹擋在路口 但也有其他路可以走 為什麼你要把我的包裹當成足球來踢 都可以做阿公了還不會做人 還要跟他說這是我的包裹 and#34;對不起喔and#34;是他最後的答覆 一副不在乎的表情 都在郵局了 不懂在排郵務區的東西都是包裹嗎? 真夠氣的 老了是不 ...

很想問女同事 你484放棄人生了?

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-10-19T13:29
今天和一位女同事一起報到 在產線裡工作 休息時她跟我說,她只想做到中午 因為雖然是流動線,但坐著很閒很無聊 等我跟她一起離職時 才知道她不會騎車、且一個人租房住 突然覺得她好勇敢 不會騎車的話,工作範圍會侷限到很小 且一個人租房的話 壓力很大吧 但她卻說還好~ 這是強顏歡笑嗎?* ...