Brain dump #1 - 憂鬱症

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-08-27T13:51

Table of Contents

12:39 played 7 hrs of pokemon snap without me noticing, it's basically like
a virtual Jurassic Park ride.

Can't go to sleep so am just gonna make use of some brain dump prompts:

1. What are your biggest goal for the month?
A: Gather enough information to predict when the stock market will crash,
finish one serious book.Seriously, pick one and finish it.

2. Can you think of a stressful task in your life that you are avoiding?
A: Decluttering my room.

3.What will truly make you happy?
A: Knowledge and the confirmation that I have mastered it.

4.Is there someone you need to get back to?
A: Yes but I really don't feel like it.

5.Where do you wanna go on your next vacation?
A: Scotland, as it seems that UK is going to open to the US without the
two-week quarantine restriction

6.How are you generally feeling at the moment?
A: Restless.

7.Are you devoting enough time to self care?
A: Self-reflection, maybe, but cannot calm down enough to do meditation.
Will do it anyways.

8.What do you want to be a year from now?
A: Someone with a competitive portfolio.

9.Do you have any regrets?
A: So many.

10.What hobbies are you most interested in and why?
A: Photojournalism, I like to capture moments that will never be repeated.

I'll leave No.11-20 for the next time I need a brain dump, should try meditation

今日試藥:5/8 Zyprexa, repeat every 30 min until calm and sleepy.


30 mins is too long an interval. Shorten it to 15 mins.

Since there's no hope for my sleep why not continue with the rest of the brain dump

11. Do you have any work projects you want to start?
A: No. I'll be plenty busy once the new quarter sets in again.

12.Did you go through a recent life change?
A: You could say that.

13. When was the last time you cleared your inbox?
A: A month ago

14.Are there any projects you need to get done at home?
A: Replace new shower curtains.

15.What do you need to let go of?
A: I've been letting go many things since the start of this illness, so next question

16. How can you best organize your upcoming appointments?
A: In accordance to my monthly cycle

17. What does your daily routine look like?
A: Lie in bed, scroll through PTT or reddit on iPad till I feel like getting up,
watch news, watch stocks, study, play games, eat, repeat.

18.Have you congratulated yourself for achievements lately?
A:Nothing out of the ordinary has happened so no

19.Do you need to start planning a big event, like a wedding or housewarming party?
A: Thankfully no.

20.Are you spending enough time offline?
A: Not really.


All Comments


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2021-08-27T10:31
離職了 前一個工作薪水還沒下來 最近大約投了100封履歷 我該慶幸可以數位投履歷 但是前一份工作給我的創傷還沒結束 新工作如果上了薪水砍5000、但總比現在失業好 我已經很久沒有約了,幾個月前也不是我主動 只是感慨為什麼身邊家人友人結婚生小孩 我卻一直一個人 真的,那麼……嗎? 我不會尋求身體慰藉,只想和 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-08-27T06:24
最近情緒狀況很差,一直請假。 我也好希望不要再請假了。 但事實是沒辦法, 就好痛苦。 痛苦到不行。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A426B. - ...

最近有一個案件 大概要上法院

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2021-08-27T04:39
這個案件如果走到法院 最後判決出來是不利於我 大概我的人生就是死路了 距離這個案件水落石出 大概也就一年 我還有一年 (並不是刑法的案件 而是行政法的案件 民告官) 我女朋友年紀比我小很多 (29 對 15) 我的煩惱跟鬱悶 都只能自己吞 在她面前就是要保持著自己堅強的形象 我和她交往一年來 在 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-08-27T03:00
不知道要為了什麼而活下去 好像沒有一個應該生活得更好一點的理由 那天心理師也說了 我總是在為某人而活 其實我很希望有人能主動來關心我在乎我 沒有那個人就會不知道怎麼辦 好像一切都沒意義一樣 不知道能上哪找到這樣的人 而且不會隨意就離開 很想過得像樣一點 但總覺得沒力氣起來 需要誰拉我一把 不知道能否再遇 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2021-08-27T02:42
因為遲遲找不到打工 而又需要一些錢準備買多益的參考書 所以稍微回家了一趟 結果被一個自私的媽媽 跑到別人房間,說別人吵 甚至直接開罵神經病 對! 我就是他媽的神經病 我因為妳們所以得到他媽的憂鬱症 半夜睡不著,還得靠吃藥 現在自己出去住,連看醫生的錢都要自付 妳絕對沒有想過,為什麼我會搬 ...