BBC看到的防癌技術 - 抗癌

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-09-24T19:38

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A trial of a new cancer drug, which accurately targets tumours, has been so
successful it has been stopped early.

Doctors at London's Royal Marsden Hospital gave prostate cancer patients a
powerful alpha radiation drug and found that they lived longer, and
experienced less pain and side effects.

The medics then stopped the trial of 922 people, saying it was unethical not
to offer all of them the treatment.

Lead researcher Dr Chris Parker said it was "a significant step forward".

Cancer Research UK said it was a very important and promising discovery.

Radiation has been used to treat tumours for more than a century. It damages
the genetic code inside cancerous cells.

Alpha particles are the big, bulky, bruisers of the radiation world. It is a
barrage of helium nuclei, which are far bigger than beta radiation, a stream
of electrons, or gamma waves.

Dr Parker told the BBC: "It's more damaging. It takes one, two, three hits to
kill a cancer cell compared with thousands of hits for beta particles."

Alpha particles also do less damage to surrounding tissue. He added: "They
have such a tiny range, a few millionths of a metre. So we can be sure that
the damage is being done where it should be."

In 90% of patients with advanced prostate cancer, the tumour will have spread
to the bone. At this stage there are no treatments which affect survival.

The study looked at patients with these secondary cancers, as the source of
radiation - radium-223 chloride - acts like calcium and sticks to bone.

Half were given the radium-223 chloride drug alongside traditional
chemotherapy, while the other patients received chemotherapy and a dummy pill.

The death rate was 30% lower in the group taking radium-223. Those patients
survived for 14 months on average compared to 11 months in the dummy group.

The trial was abandoned as "it would have been unethical not to offer the
active treatment to those taking placebo", said Dr Parker.

He added: "I think it will be a significant step forward for cancer patients".

Researchers also said the treatment was safe. Curiously there were fewer
side-effects in the group taking the treatment than those taking the dummy

The findings are being presented at the European Multidisciplinary Cancer
Congress but they have not yet been peer-reviewed by other academics.

Prof Gillies McKenna, Cancer Research UK's radiotherapy expert and director
of the Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology, said: "This appears
to be an important study using a highly targeted form of radiation to treat
prostate cancer that has spread to the bones.

"This research looks very promising and could be an important addition to
approaches available to treat secondary tumours - and should be investigated

Tags: 抗癌

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-09-28T16:02
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-09-28T18:59
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-09-30T16:46
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-10-02T18:20
William avatar
By William
at 2011-10-06T02:41


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-09-23T22:14
樟芝的主要成份是:多醣體、三帖類、SOD 多醣體的作用不是直接殺滅癌細胞,而是經由提升人體免疫力來抑制癌細胞發展, 因此比較不會產生副作用。多醣體可以促進免疫細胞分細胞激素,以對抗癌細胞 或病毒,還能抑制B型肝炎病產生抗原、抑制血管增生,達到餓死癌細胞的效果。 三帖類的主要功能在抑制癌細胞生長與釋放組織胺 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-09-23T15:44
大家好 不知到大家對牛樟芝有何看法?? 有報導說牛樟芝可抗癌 大家看看 謝謝 - ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-09-22T21:51
因為家人有這方面需要, 據說還有無效退費服務, 希望有去過的人可以分享一下, 如不方便說明,請寫私信,感恩 - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-09-21T21:34
【大公網訊】新華社倫敦9月15日電,英國的一項新研究顯示,檢測尿液中某些類固醇 的含量能夠幫助診斷腎上腺癌,這種新診斷方法的準確度較高,比常用的CT掃描診斷技 術更為方便。 英國伯明翰大學等機構的研究人員在新一期美國《臨床內分泌學與新陳代謝雜誌》上報告 說,腎上腺部位的腫瘤有良性和惡性之分,它們會導致尿液中 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-09-21T17:39
台灣腸癌病友協會24日上午8時30分至12時, 在台中教育大學求真樓K107演講廳(台中市西區民生路140號) 舉辦腸癌治療與居家照護講座, 由台中榮民總醫院大腸直腸外科主任王輝明主講「腸癌治療」。 參加者需事先報名,報名電話:(02)2719-8555(週一至週五上午10時至下午7時)。 - ...