憂鬱症 - 憂鬱症

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2023-04-25T19:58

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I am not necessarliy productive every single day. I woke up in the middle of a dream (which I forgot what it was about) and then I forced myself to get up. And throughout the rest of the day, I felt sleepy. A library lady kept coming to our study area watching if we were behaving well. It was like we were in a primary school where a teach kept an eye on us.

I hope I could spend more time to do the self-testing but I also need time to create flashcards. There are only 130 days left and now I am already anticipating the failure. I do not think I will have enough time to create and play ALL the flashcards. Besides, some questions are unable to to in the form of flashcard.

My trident study pillars are eat well, sleep well and exercise well. If I miss of anyone of these, I won't be able to study well. My calendar is bloacked with study time but I feel guilty for not being well-focused enough.

I also need more time to read Chinese and English articles but I just don't have enough time. I don't have enough time.


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×Girafe aime rêver×


All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2023-04-25T15:32
4點早起把該修的文案都修完 才去上班 拖延症超痛苦的 今天一題都還沒寫… 感覺好糟 加油加油啊 再撐40天 隔壁的同事一直請我吃東西 一下是里仁的食品 一下是離島的名產 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2023-04-25T09:50
-- 最近憂鬱症復發,吃藥之後有恢復穩定了 稍微鬆了口氣 但還是有其他的身體狀況... 本來有甲狀腺亢進,但持續吃藥後變成低下 造成體重不斷突破人生巔峰,而且控制飲食竟然完全瘦不下來...很驚恐 (以往靠控制飲食就可以加減瘦一點的QQ) 但醫生說甲亢的藥必須持續吃,不然會反彈 雖然有減藥,但只減了一點點而 ...

記事 累

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2023-04-25T08:00
上週末去看展 週六去凌晨6點飛機 4點要到機場 週一回還是一大早 降落塞車空中盤旋delay一個多小時 最後只好直接拉行李進公司 在郊區不會開車所以就是走路接駁車或Uber (會開車可能也不會為那麽短的使用時期租車就是很划不來) 走路去展場1.5mile順便在路上買咖啡 看完展搭接駁車去吃飯逛逛 然後800 ...

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2023-04-25T04:15
好想睡覺 但得把文案都修完 嗚嗚 昨天晚上去印筆試的題目 印錯 多花了340 印了雙面只能報廢 嗚嗚 好想去看醫生:| 再撐一下 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2023-04-25T01:58
神明呀 我有一個同事 啊...累了... 請讓他的所作所為 付出代價吧。 晚點再上來... - ...