憂鬱症 - 憂鬱症

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2023-04-18T22:40

Table of Contents

I call this 'Make it stick project' as I found out that my biggest obstacle is how to memorise everything.

It seems impossible. My flashcards have stacked to around 3,000 and more are coming on the way.

Some essay questions are simply impossible to do as they require pure memorisation. However, these questions are not in the exam guideline and they only showed up once. Are they worthy my time to memorise?

Besides, I found it difficult to focus in the library. The environment is superb but I get easily distracted. Words start jumping if I stare at them for more than 5 seconds. However, I do not want to stay at home either. I tried to write them down so I can memorise them with my muscle, but then my hand would get tired.

It is like that every time I enter the next phase, I would bump into another obstacle. This time, it is how to make it stick. If I could nail it, it would be a game changer.



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×Girafe aime rêver×


All Comments


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2023-04-18T21:55
明天要去應徵(?) 現在還在看資料了解情況中 只是家人知道後,已經找我三次 說是關心,聽起來卻像是勸退我 我不明白講一次就夠的道理 講三次只會讓我覺得受到侮辱 該幫不幫,不該幫的時候卻拼命攔 到底是在做什麼 睡眠最長就4小時,之後就2,1,0.5在睡 今天看診聽報告 不是很想再戴呼吸器了 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2023-04-18T18:24
今天整天 活得跟在打戰一樣… 現在還在打… 好想吐 為什麼每件東西都可以變得這麼快?? 藥效真的變弱了… 明天一早要衝去診所… 我昨天是不是說過一樣的話… 但我忘記了… 我不要知道… 總覺得去翻昨天的文章記錄我會馬上吐出來… 兔子別鬧了… 滾回你的小角落呀… 你以為你打 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2023-04-18T12:03
目前遇過兩個心理師,都算是我自己尋求幫忙,也以放心坦承的態度去談。 但我發現只要開始心理治療,不管當天談論的事痛不痛苦,事後我都會有很大的情緒反應 。兩個心理師的治療過程中(第一個四次,因為除了第一次之外其他次都在崩潰,心理師 與我討論先決定暫停治療。第二個目前四次持續治療中),我都感覺在一步一步走向死亡 ...

04/18 接龍

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2023-04-18T01:19
01:19 覺得莫名其妙 但我也有錯 好 是我的錯 通通都是我的錯 不要跟我講話 說好的也都不要了 我已經清楚表達 請拋開你現在的情緒 冷靜 理性 思考再回答我 然後我就不會再問了 結果還是沒結果 沒關係 反正一開始就是我的錯 我活該要接受這樣的結局 - ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2023-04-17T23:50
和學生吃飯 樣態是無比開心和活躍 回到家 卻憂鬱沮喪到谷底 我討厭這樣 非常厭煩。。。。 - ...