憂鬱症 - 憂鬱症

By Olivia
at 2023-04-18T22:40
at 2023-04-18T22:40
Table of Contents
I call this 'Make it stick project' as I found out that my biggest obstacle is how to memorise everything.
It seems impossible. My flashcards have stacked to around 3,000 and more are coming on the way.
Some essay questions are simply impossible to do as they require pure memorisation. However, these questions are not in the exam guideline and they only showed up once. Are they worthy my time to memorise?
Besides, I found it difficult to focus in the library. The environment is superb but I get easily distracted. Words start jumping if I stare at them for more than 5 seconds. However, I do not want to stay at home either. I tried to write them down so I can memorise them with my muscle, but then my hand would get tired.
It is like that every time I enter the next phase, I would bump into another obstacle. This time, it is how to make it stick. If I could nail it, it would be a game changer.
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▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
It seems impossible. My flashcards have stacked to around 3,000 and more are coming on the way.
Some essay questions are simply impossible to do as they require pure memorisation. However, these questions are not in the exam guideline and they only showed up once. Are they worthy my time to memorise?
Besides, I found it difficult to focus in the library. The environment is superb but I get easily distracted. Words start jumping if I stare at them for more than 5 seconds. However, I do not want to stay at home either. I tried to write them down so I can memorise them with my muscle, but then my hand would get tired.
It is like that every time I enter the next phase, I would bump into another obstacle. This time, it is how to make it stick. If I could nail it, it would be a game changer.
Z ◢██◣
Z ◢█ˇ█ˋ◣
z ◥ˊ██◤
▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
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