憂鬱症 - 憂鬱症

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2023-03-27T20:20

Table of Contents

People said you do not care about what other people think. In fact, I never can really ignore what other people think about me. Caring about what other people think is very toxic. Comparing yourself with others is also very toxic. I am doing these every single day. To be honest, I do not think anyone can be so untouchable. Anyone and everyone can feel hurt and humiliated when they are insulted or compared.

I want to tell Joy how worried I am when I read Sylvie's post about competition. I do not think I have any competition. The only stregnth I have is youth but I am losing it. My classmate is getting stronger but I am getting weaker. I am being eaten by my fears and worries every day. I know my fears are holding me back but they are so real. I know I have to be positive and strong but I just do not know how to do it. I feel hurt and humiliated. I want to hide and never wake up again.

Yes. I will call a counselor tonight to talk about it.


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×Girafe aime rêver×


All Comments


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2023-03-27T17:49
今天早上諮商就哭了半節吧,同樣的問題,同樣的跳不出來,加倍的無助 之後去醫院看了一下媽媽,太多的愛恨情仇讓我沒話跟她講了 再看著肚上的肥油,不用多久的放縱飲食就全都回來了,更加討厭自己,沒有一樣事情是 能夠控制的 這就是熟悉的憂鬱嗎?最近很常哭,不想吃飯 會有變好的一天嗎? - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2023-03-27T11:51
早上去拿函授講義 回家路上 差點撞到保時捷 阿不就還好沒在吃藥了 敏捷的把龍頭轉走 不然現在可能剛做完筆錄 幹幹幹 嚇死 雖然我有保超額保險 第三責任險也保全餐 大概四千左右 但真的嚇死 幹 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2023-03-27T07:08
等下要跟職代先線上re彩排 再跟主管進行線上彩排 還剩下20幾天 加油加油 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2023-03-27T07:06
台灣這種不管講什麼重要不重要議題 一定要東扯西扯其他不相關的sop/文化 怎麼看怎麼讓人感冒 要講請俄國音樂家又因為輿論取消造成損失的問題 就談這件事本身 扯一堆不相關人身攻擊blablabla “走投無路才來台灣” 關討論的事本身屁事 講這個不就只是為了拍/詆毀對方而已 a要是拍不到就換b換cde 說多智 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2023-03-27T02:20
目前靠保健食品來跟安眠藥交換(? 就是吃保健不吃安眠藥 雖然醫生建議還是吃安眠藥 但是吃安眠藥隔天會很累 https://i.imgur.com/wSIskgQ.jpg 這是目前晚上吃的 想問問看大家吃魚油有幫助嗎? 我之前是吃快X魚油 - ...