憂鬱症 - 憂鬱症

By Mary
at 2022-09-29T21:43
at 2022-09-29T21:43
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Synchronistic numbers jump into my eyes very often after I get back to KHH. I Googled it and many articles said it was the Universe's message that you would be getting more aware. I am not sure if that it is true. Three years passed and I am still where I am. Like I said to my ex-boss, I just had the feeling that I would stay where I was for a very, very long time. It just became true. I wish not to stay in KHH for such a long time as the air is really, really dirty. I can smell smoke just by standing in
front of our apartment. If synchronicities are true, then I hope my life will end in peace. Too much agony in my life and I have not seen the truth of the Universe yet. I hope those synchronicities would guide me see through the veil of physicality. Amen? Amen.
Z ◢██◣
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▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
front of our apartment. If synchronicities are true, then I hope my life will end in peace. Too much agony in my life and I have not seen the truth of the Universe yet. I hope those synchronicities would guide me see through the veil of physicality. Amen? Amen.
Z ◢██◣
Z ◢█ˇ█ˋ◣
z ◥ˊ██◤
▲ ×Girafe aime rêver×
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