醫療資訊,議題討論 - 醫療資訊

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-03-01T15:26

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Vitamin E linked to lung cancer
Vitamin E
High vitamin E doses were found to increase risk
Taking high doses of vitamin E supplements can increase the risk
of lung cancer, research suggests.

The US study of 77,000 people found taking 400 milligrams per day
long-term increased cancer risk by 28% - with smokers at
particular risk.

It follows warnings about similar risks of excessive beta-carotene

Writing in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine, an expert said people should get their vitamins from
fruit and veg.

The jury's still very much out on whether vitamin and mineral
supplements can affect cancer risk
Henry Scowcroft, Cancer Research UK

Dr Tim Byers, from the University of Colorado, said a healthy,
balanced diet meant people took in a whole range of beneficial
nutrients and minerals, which might help to reduce cancer risk.

The researchers followed people aged between 50 and 76 for four
years and looked at their average daily use of vitamin C and folic
acid, and vitamin E supplements.

Over the course of the study, 521 people developed lung cancer.

Smoking, family history and age all had unsurprisingly strong
links to cancer risk.

And while neither vitamin C or folic acid use had any effect on
lung cancer risk, vitamin E use did.

The researchers extrapolated their findings, and concluded that
over a decade, there was an additional 7% increase in risk for
every 100 milligrams taken per day.

The vitamin E trend was most prominent among smokers, but was not
confined to them.

Vitamin E is known to be an antioxidant - protecting cells from
molecules called free radicals.

But the US researchers speculate that, in high doses, it may also
act as a pro-oxidant - causing oxidation and therefore damage to

'Toxic effects'

Dr Christopher Slatore of the University of Washington in Seattle,
who led the study, said: "In contrast to the often assumed
benefits or at least lack of harm, supplemental vitamin E was
associated with a small increased risk of lung cancer.

"Future studies may focus on other components of fruits and
vegetables that may explain the decreased risk of cancer that has
been associated with fruit and vegetables.

"Meanwhile, our results should prompt clinicians to counsel
patients that these supplements are unlikely to reduce the risk of
lung cancer and may be detrimental."

But Henry Scowcroft, senior science information officer at Cancer
Research UK, said: "The jury's still very much out on whether
vitamin and mineral supplements can affect cancer risk.

"Some studies suggest a benefit, but many others show no effect
and some, like this one, suggest they may even increase risk."

He added: "Research repeatedly shows that a healthy, balanced diet
can reduce your risk of some cancers while giving you all the
vitamins you need.

"Quitting smoking remains the most effective way to avoid many
cancers. There's no diet, or vitamin supplement, that could ever
counter the toxic effects of cigarette smoke."

In 2002 a Finnish study of 29,000 male smokers found taking
beta-carotene - which is converted into vitamin A in the body -
was linked to an 18% increased risk of developing lung cancer



All Comments


James avatar
By James
at 2008-02-29T16:08
大紀元7月12日報導】(據中廣新聞報導)美國德州大學癌症研究小組最近所進行的一項動 物實驗指出,咖哩當中所含有的一種化學物質「薑黃素」,可能有助於抵抗皮膚癌。 研究人員表示,「薑黃素」可以干擾黑色素瘤當中,一種自我保護的蛋白質起作用,進而 讓黑色素瘤自我萎縮,乃至死亡;並進一步發現,薑黃素也有助於防止乳癌 ...

想做一份身體狀況調查表 請問需要些...?

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-02-27T21:05
來由: 由於學校即將舉辦一場大型活動 小弟我分配到醫療這個區塊 由於是新手,也不太懂一些比較專業的東西 所以上來問一下各位大大 一份and#34;身體狀況調查表and#34;需要哪些項目 哪些欄位 例如是 [有沒有先天性疾病] 以此類推~~ 想在這邊厚臉皮的請教各位幫忙... 學校這次將會舉 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-02-26T00:24
我媽之前有小中風過 去菜市場騎到一半摔倒 起來之後覺得怪怪的 但是又繼續騎 結果就突然想吐 就吐了 後來我媽去醫生診斷 原來是小中風 我媽也常常會偏頭痛 現在天氣轉變很快 現在又頭很痛 她又有高血壓 應該有10幾年了 到現在還是在吃藥 小中風過的人 要怎麼好好調理身體阿 比如說食譜 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-02-25T00:04
承題目 請教一下有沒有人知道關於脊椎太直 為什麼不適合跳舞 而除了不適合跳舞外 還有沒有什麼不適合的活動 或者有沒有該避免的食物? 同樣的多囊性卵巢症候群也是 謝謝^^ - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-02-24T20:32
※ 引述《cwacwa (哇!!)》之銘言: : 有一點便意,卻只排了幾顆羊大便,還有很多黏狀的分泌物 : 上網看了一下,發現大腸癌的徵兆 : 正是大便習慣改變,大便變細,看了都害怕了起來... 如果是大腸癌通常不會一兩天內突然變細.... : 請問我最近這樣排便情形交替算正常嗎? : 我媽說腹瀉是要水水的才 ...